Re: [Cz-L]The objectives

Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 19:35:05 +0300
To: Charles Rosner <>, Czernowitz Genealogy and History <>

Hi Charles,
  Good to hear from you, I am as confused as you are but if you
have a direct line to a deputy of Numero Uno then ask him confidently
 a very simple question:
   " What should be done to have two municipal clean- up workers
     permanently employed in cleaning the Jewish cemetery ?"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Rosner" <>
To: "Czernowitz Genealogy and History" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L]The objectives

> [Messages to this list need to be in Plain Text, not HTML or
> Rich Text --thanks for your cooperation!]
> =0A=0A=0AHi Mimi, Hardy and all!=0AFrom what I read so far about the
> cemeta=
> ry cleaning and about our objectives (whichever they are), I believe that
> w=
> e try to do our best taking into account all various parties, i.e. the
> Loca=
> l and Regional Administrative parties=A0but also some Jewish and
> Non-Jewish=
> -Organizations.=A0=A0What I don't like in this=A0is=A0getting
> the=A0feeling=
> that some Administrative parties do possibly play=A0(and enjoy doing so?)
> =
> one Organisation=A0against another... I also fear that a signed agreement
> w=
> ill not really bind (not be applied by) some parties, Administration or
> Org=
> anization, if their immediate interest changes direction...=0AOne thing is
> =
> for sure: the Unesco path will presently not give anything in respect of
> ou=
> r objectives for the cemetary, whichever they are.=0ANow, I have no eytzes
> =
> to give and have no idea how best to act. But if we come up with some
> short=
> , clear and=A0relevant=A0questions to be asked at the Town Hall, I have an
> =
> indirect - and absolutely reliable - access to a deputy of the Mayor of
> Che=
> rnivtsi.=0ABest Regards,=0ACharles=0A

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