[Cz-L] Lecture at Yad Vashem

From: Harriet Kasow <hkasow_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2011 17:34:35 +0300
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Harriet Kasow <hkasow_at_netvision.net.il>

Dear all,
I attened the workshop on the 70th anniversary of the destruction of the
Jews of Bukovina, Bessarabia and the Dorohei area and the deportation to
One of the lecturers Dr. Ronit Fisher of the University of Haifa spoke on
the Deportation of the Jews of Czernowitz: the historical aspect of the
disappearance of the German culture. She wrote her doctorate on Bukovina
and I surmise she has a personal ancestry as well. She would be a very
knowledgeable resource if anyone wants to contact her.
She taked about the Mayor Popovich who was sympathetic to the Jews, of Rose
Auslander 1901-1988, Paul Celan and Aharon Apelfeld. Popovich was made a
gentile at Yad Vashem. 25,000 Jews were transported to Transnistria.The
autobiography of Apelfeld is a collective memory of the culture of the city
that disappearred.

Navah Semel, the daughter of Yitzhak Artzi spoke on the visit in the 1990's
to the orphanage in Mogilev.
Avraham Aiwinir was a 5 yr old who spoke without notes on his movements
throughout the camps of Transistria which provide more than enough evidence
to establish their were concentration camps. the title of his talk was on
Arnold Dagni: Transitria-Diary.
Harriet Kasow

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