Re: [Cz-L] Dead & Gone - Update September 1933

Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2011 15:30:04 +0200
To: Edgar Hauster <>, Czernowitz Discussion Group <>

Thank you Edgar for the many obituaries of deceased
Czernowitzer of the best circles.
 Not to forget of the many suicides committed because of
  financial breakdowns.
   We have a report on the funeral ceremony of A. Kisslinger
   which was held at the Toynbeehalle
  but the burial could not be performed because
     of differences on burial charges:
   The Kultusgemeinde asked 4 mill. lei but after negotiations
    came down to 700,000 but then the family from Bucharest
    arrived and wanted to move the burial to Mihaileni but the
    sum asked for releasing the body was not accepted.
   This then became a sanitary issue handled by the police.
     3 days later he was buried at Mihaileni, his birthplace.

   Or take the burial of Frieda Hofer who came to draw water
   from an open draw well , slipped on the surrounding
   ice and fell into the well.
   And not to make it too dull you can click the video on the RH
   to hear the latest 1932 hit : "Have you ever been in love with me".

----- Original Message -----
From: "Edgar Hauster" <>
To: "Czernowitz Discussion Group" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 11:59 AM
Subject: [Cz-L] Dead & Gone - Update September 1933


The Czernowitzer daily newspaper "Der Tag - The Day", released over the
years 1932 - 1935 articles on deaths, funerals, headstone erections,
memorial ceremonies, suicides, murders, as well as obituaries and
acknowledgements, wich we extracted and published for you at

and for September 1933 at the bottom of

covering - in alphabetical order - following cases of death:

Schulim Bart
Marin Dinca
Feibel Dollberg
Lotti Ebner
Karl Engel
Josef Focsaneanu
Jakob Gedaly
Leo Gingold
Osias Gottesmann
Leopold Holynsky
Schloime Koffler
Dr. Eugen Kozak
Mendel Mauler
Hersch Medler
Hermann Merlaub
Olivier Mihailiuk
Adolf Nimhäuser
Nikolai Pawliuk
Eugen Sammler
Jetti Schrager (Gläsner)
Berisch Silberbusch
Eugenie Singer
Maria Totoescu
Dr. Stefan Graf Wassilko-Serecki
Titus Welicz
Mitzi Welt

It wouldn't be reverent to mention "Enjoy the section Dead & Gone!", but
however enjoy the potential results of your reasearch!

Edgar Hauster
Lent - The Netherlands

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