Re: [Cz-L] Unveiling Ceremony for Eliezer Steinbarg's Funerary Monument

From: iosif vaisman <>
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2011 19:28:46 -0400
To: Edgar Hauster <>
Reply-to: iosif vaisman <>

> Bruce seems to remember there was a sculpture on top of the column on the right side of the Steinbarg monument. For mee too, it seems something is missing there, but I don't know. Is anybody of you, who remembers and/or has an older picture?

No, there was nothing on the column. This is the original Kolnik's design:

Photo made in 2004:

Epitaph in the original colors:

Text of the epitaph (from the "Hammer and iron" fable):

טרויעריק, קינדער, אויף דער וועלט דער ברייטער גראמער
ביטער! מיט א משל כאטש זיך קוויקן לאמיר

(It is sad, children, in this wide giant world.
It is bitter! Let's at least enjoy a fable)

Memorial plaque in the Jewish hospital on Synagogengasse, where Shteynbarg died:

Shteynbarg's funeral, Str. lon Grămadă (Rothkirchgasse), March 27, 1932

Itzik Manger, Moyshe Altman, Eliezer Shteynbarg, and Yankev Shternberg
in Czernowitz, ca. 1930

Several of the pictures above are from the book "My dear Roisele:
Itzig Manger, Elieser Steinbarg. Jiddische Dichter aus der Bukowina"
/ Herausgeber, Helmut Braun ; Redaktion, Rainer Zimmer-Winkel /
Üxheim: Rose Ausländer-Dokumentationszentrum, 1996


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