Re: [Cz-L] Deportation to Transnistria Database and Register Photos on Ehpes

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 14:14:06 -0400
To: jerome schatten <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

Thank you Jerome and Noemi, for these deportation lists.
I found the names of close relatives, of people I only heard about
from my parents, familiar names of unknown people and also,
Selma Meerbaum, the young poet.
Her name is spelled the Romanian way "Zelma".

Children are not listed. My close relatives had 3 children, who were
deported with them. I believe that these relatives and Selma Meerbaum
were in Cariera de Piatra, which might confirm that all the people
were sent to Cariera de Piatra.

On Oct 11, 2011, at 12:01 PM, jerome schatten wrote:

> Czernowtizers...
> Consistent with the 70th anniversary remembrance of the deportations,
> here is a contribution:
> This summer Noemi Eshet visited the Czernowitz Archives and took many
> photographs. Among the items she photographed were pages from the
> Register Books of those deported to Transnistria from Czernowitz.
> Unfortunately the project is not complete as she ran out of time.
> Upon her return she did an amazing job of transcribing the data
> from the
> photographs onto several spreadsheets. Those of us who worked on the
> Burial Registers, transcribing the cursive script in several languages
> to English will well understand what a daunting and time consuming
> task
> this was. Almost 700 names are in this dataset.
> My work with Noemi was simply to integrate the photos and data into a
> final spreadsheet with links back to the individual register photos.
> Noemi did all the hard stuff. Some more work needs to be done (see
> below).
> The registers were done in cursive script, some written obviously by
> persons whose first language was German, and the rest most likely
> Romanians.
> A register entry contains the following:
> 1. A line number, which corresponds to a line number in a photograph
> 2. A surname
> 3. A given name
> 4. Something about where the person lived (maybe district?)
> 5. Age,
> 6. Sex
> 7. Occupation
> There obviously were different 'lists' from different registrars, and
> some of the line numbers are duplicated. Thus when putting together a
> combined database, I tried to distinguish between the lists. I called
> them List 1, List 2 and List 3.
> Noemi thinks that all the names in List 1 were deported to the same
> place: the stone quarry (Steinbruch in German) ( Carieră de piatră
> Ladijin in Romanian). The handwriting and the colour of the ink
> seems to
> be the same. The other two lists have no particular differences other
> than they share line numbers and so I separated them.
> You will notice that one of the columns on my spreadhseet is called
> 'List Photo' and contains clickable links', and so by clicking on the
> link, you can get from a particular name to the photograph of the
> original register page that contained that name. The line numbers are
> the same on the spreadsheet and the photo.
> The sheet that is accessible with your browser is at:
> This is an HTML page, and so it is searchable with your browser. It
> is a
> fairly large file (2MB) and will take some time to load.
> You will see that none of the occupations have been transcribed as
> neither of us know Romanian. So there basically two jobs that
> remain to
> be done: One is to transcribe the Romanian occupation into English and
> enter them on the spreadsheet, and the other is to check each
> transcribed name against the photograph and fix it if it's not
> correct.
> If anyone is interested in participating in this, just email me and I
> will try and set it up.
> If you're interested in the XLS spreadsheet that the browser
> version was
> made from, it can be downloaded at:
> And, if you need a high resolution photo of a register page, I have
> them
> and can sent it to you.
> Of course Noemi and I would be interested in any comments and/or
> suggestions you might have. We hope you find this data interesting and
> useful. When things are as complete as possible, I will put it with
> the
> Ehpes Databases on the Website.
> Best,
> jerome

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