Re: [Cz-L] Street

From: yosi-jerry <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 13:28:08 +0200
To: HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>, Edgar Hauster <>, Czernowitz Discussion Group <>
Reply-to: yosi-jerry <>

Correct. We lived on the southern side near the Volksgarten and our streets
(Slowacki and Ilie Lutsa) were considered Jewish streets.
Yosef Eshet

----- Original Message -----
To: "Edgar Hauster" <>; "Czernowitz Discussion Group"
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Street

> Inside the Jewish Ghetto.
> Non- indiginous relate to the Czernowitz Ghetto as a geographic quarter .
> Czernowitz did not have this!
> Not like Frankfurt or Venezia where Ghettos ,were created and still
> exist for hundreds of years , Czernowitz had no Ghetto before 1941.
> There was a symbolic Judenstadt based on the Judengasse and adjacent
> streets
> but Cz never had a compulsory Ghetto. Jews lived together for safety
> but could live wherever they wanted and could afford..
> Then came 1941 and the Ghetto was created.
> The Ghetto never had a clear perimeter and changed its boundary
> frequently until its dissolution in 1942.
> It simply vanished in pure air.
> The Ghetto was an impossible creation with over 10000 non jews
> living there.
> The only purpose of the Ghetto was facillitating deportation and
> humiliating the Jews.
> All this could be done without a Ghetto.
> Hardy
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