The event I described in my previous letter was a singular case of
connection between the members of our family in Czernowitz and us in Tulchin
Ghetto during the winter of 1942-43. The activity of the Union of Romanian
Jews from Bucharest became effective only later in 1943 when there was a
change in the Romanian policy after the German defeat at Stalingrad.
Yosef Eshet
----- Original Message -----
From: "yosi-jerry" <>
To: "Miriam Taylor" <>; "Edgar Hauster"
Cc: "Marla Raucher Osborn" <>; "Alex Denisenko"
<>; <>; "simon geissb ü hler"
<>; "Yefim Kogan" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Visit to Mohyliv-Podilskyi - A Team Work!
> There was a priest who used to transfer letters. This was prohibited
> (especially for the receiving deportees) by by the rule of the Romanian
> authorities. Anybody of the deportees caught receiving something from
> Czernowitz was brought to trial to the main court in Tiraspol, and
> sentenced to prison there. Before their withdrawal they put fire to the
> prison (luckily without much success). I can bear witness to that because
> my father was caught and we were sent to Tiraspol but escaped miraculously
> the trial.
> Yosef Eshet
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