Re: [Cz-L] Schalom, ich bin Mentsh & Bukovina Style!

Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2011 19:46:19 +0200
To: Edgar Hauster <>, Czernowitz Discussion Group <>

Edgar, wonderful job, thank you,
  It is essential to listen what the locals say about the jews.
   Most of them to young to know.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Edgar Hauster" <>
To: "Czernowitz Discussion Group" <>
Cc: "Jerome Schatten" <>; <>; "Miriam
Taylor" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2011 4:17 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Schalom, ich bin Mentsh & Bukovina Style!


Now, as finally our blog is updated and (almost) operational again
and it's looking - thanks to Jerome - even better than before, I'm pleased
to present two Czernowitz documentaries to you, which I aquired, both the
movies and the online license. The movies are available at our NEW

What are you going to discover, viewing this outstanding documentaries, both
the results of joint projects of German and Ukrainian students and produced
by IdentityFilms, Stralsund (

By viewing "Schalom, ich bin Mentsh" (2011) and "Bukovina Style" (2008),
you'll go on a journey to the present and the past of Czernowitz, detecting
cityscapes, the Jewish Cemetery, dialogs with Czernowitz residents of all
ages, but first of all interviews with (cast in order of appearance):

Noach Anatolewych - Rabbi

--- DR. JOSYP BURSUK --- Association of Former Concentration Camp Prisoners

Felix Martynovych Zuckermann - Teacher of German (Son of Roas Roth
Lev Isajovytsch Klejmann - Chairman of the Jewish Community of Czernowitz
Max Schickler - Member of the Jewish Community of Czernowitz
David Solomonowytsch Dornenfeld - Contemporary witness
Genadij Anatolijowytsch Pan - Amnesty International Czernowitz

--- MIRIAM TAYLOR --- Contemporary witness --- OUR MIMI!

Ljndwiga Pawliwna - Director of the Jewish School
Gadja - Emo
Antonina Vasylivna - Chemistry teacher
Johann Schlamp - Contemporary witness
LSD - Rock band
Dmytro Fondjur - Contemporary witness
Myhajlo Dashkevych - Emergency doctor
Viktor Shymanskyi - Gymnasial director

Enjoy the show and the new look of our blog!

Edgar Hauster
Lent - The Netherlands

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Received on 2011-12-17 11:10:41

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