My father Alexander Schmerler was supervisor in the
textile trade called "Tricotania".
Does somebody know this name or heard about it ??
Thanks and happy New Year for all of you.
From: "jerome schatten" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 6:17 PM
To: "czernowitz-L" <>
Cc: "hardy" <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>
Subject: [Cz-L] Recent On the Blog...
> Czernowitzers...
> 1. If you had relatives in the textile trades in Czernowitz between the
> wars, you will definitely want to see this material that Noemi Eshet
> recently received from the Czernowitz Archives. It contains a list of
> firms and individuals engaged in these trades. Other related documents too
> (in
> Romanian). There's a link to this material on the Website (Stories,
> Histories & Documents #46a) as well as appearing on the Blog.
> 2. The Atlantic magazine has been publishing (in 20 installments) a
> Retrospective of WW2 in photos and essays. Found by Hardy Breier, the 20
> sets are available on line. The link is on the Blog. "Photojournalism at
> it's best", says Hardy.
> The Blog is at:
> Best,
> jerome
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