Re: [Cz-L] Czernowitz - Boyaner Rebbe's Synagogue

From: Hedwig Brenner <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 00:36:20 +0200
To: Abraham Kogan <>,
Reply-to: Hedwig Brenner <>

Hi Bruce,hi Abraham, I wrote a long E-mail about the Boianer Rabbi, because
my gransparents house was on the opposit corner and as a child I saw how in
the empty field was arised the one store-house and in the P.Cerna
(Verlaengerte Albertinengasse)
the synagogue. after the death of my father on 1929, my mother and me we
lived there. so I saw very often the rabby on his balcony, a beautyful old
man with a white beard, tall, very imposant...but I saw him also going in
fromt of his family , with the Thorah rolls in his arms through the
Stefaniegasse,to the railway station, to be deported to Transnistria, we
also were wayting with the rucksacks for a vehicle, shabby cars with one
horse, also to the return of my uncle, from the ""Kultusgemeinde...on his
return he told us:" put bacjk up to the family Dr.Schwarzkopf, were we
stayed 15 persoms in one room, "we must not be the firsts. and afterwords we
got the "Autorisation" to remain...By the way, The Boianer Rabby, Friedmann
was his name, died in misery in Transnistria
Bests regards
----- Original Message -----
From: "Abraham Kogan" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Bruce Reisch" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 10:38 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Czernowitz - Boyaner Rebbe's Synagogue

The synagogue was on the Cerna street (Panait Cerna street) a short street
to the north of the Dreifaltigkeitsgasse (Sfanta Treime). The Rebbe’s
residence was on the same courtyard, with an entrance also from the
Dreifaltigkeitsgasse. The Russischegasse is far away from it.

During the Soviet regime the whole compound was given to the Medical
University (Meditsinski Institut) and it is nowadays part of that Institut,
which has most of its departments and faculties scattered all over the area
of the Theaterplatz. I was there in May 2006; it is still very impressive.

Abraham Kogan

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