[Cz-L] Silence is golden

From: Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 21:04:34 +0100
To: Hardy Breier <hardy3_at_bezeqint.net>, Sharon Yampell <genealogicalgenie_at_live.com>, Irene Fishler <irenef_at_netvision.net.il>, s_wiener_at_yahoo.com, ddubowy_at_gmx.net, Clifford Rees <cmrees118_at_msn.com>, Bruce Reisch <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>, Yosef Yagur <yagury_at_netvision.net.il>
Reply-to: Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>

Dear Hardy et al....
Thank you for starting this excellent thread and thank you all for your outstanding contributions. For me, as a "almost non-silent" group member, it's occasionally much more relaxing and satisfactory just to follow the discussion. Nevertheless, please let me share with you a few hints with respect to the actual correspondance.

Hardy, Sharon, Irene, Shellie: Please check Edward Turkiewitsch's Dorna Vatra album at https://picasaweb.google.com/EdwardTurJ/OldBukowinaPhotosDorna for 146 exceptional picture postcards. BTW, I'm preparing for my upcoming summer Bukovina research journey a special Dorna Vatra project; full details to follow!

Daniel: In your most interesting mail you are reporting - among others - on one of the three sisters of your father, Helene Dubowy, who married Edwin Taussig, having a son, Hugo Taussig. Are you aware, Daniel, that the Czrnowitz newspaper "Der Tag" released obituaries for Erwin [Edwin] Taussig on 20.12.1933 and 21.12.1933. You'll find those obituaries at http://czernowitzdaily.blogspot.com/p/dead-gone-1933.html (last two obituaries at the bottom of the page)? You'll learn from there, that E. Taussig, the former employee of "Holzindustrie A.G. Bucovina", was a very intelligent and sophisticated businessman, who deceased - after a long illness - at the age of 42 years. He left behind a widow, née [Helene] Dubowy and an eleven years old son [Hugo Taussig]. At the funeral attended the Czernowitz high society.

Clifford, Bruce: Are you aware that "Der Tag" reports at least eight times on Max Reisch, the owner of the Jewish Pavilion Theater/Jewish City Theater, between August 1932 and February 1934? In addition we have Ella Reisch [recte Sternberg], a lady of easy virtue, on 05.06.1932, the house owner Reisch [Mickiewiczgasse 5] on 05.11.1933 and the pickpocket Idel Reisch from Galatz on 23.01.1934.

Yossi: It's always a pleasure to read your mailings. I think, that I told you already, that I found a single entry for "Jurgrau" in "Der Tag" from Czernowitz, i. e. on 02.04.1932. Mr. Jurgrau has been nominated - among others - for the commitee of action concerning the Czernowitz Savings Bank.

I love this kind of labor division and I'm appreciating each and any contribution of our "almost silent" group members.

Edgar Hauster
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