RE: [Cz-L] A Romanian investigation

From: wanda orentein <>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 07:55:21 -0700
To: 'Edgar Hauster' <>, 'Ruth Gold' <>
Reply-to: wanda orentein <>

Mea culpa! I did not read the text. I just reacted to the fact that Romania is doing anything to investigate the TRUTH about the deportation of Jews to Transnistria.

I am Romanian and I came to the US in 1965. I lived there under communism. Not a picnic!
I read Romanian newspapers and I understand the trend. OF COURSE there are people like Liviu Carare who will tell the truth. My concern is, if the Romanian public and the politicians will listen to his truth. Liviu Carare's thesis is not written for people like me and you who already know the truth. I, a Jew from Romania will believe him, and many other Jews will too, but the anti-Semites will deny it until they are dead in their graves. Not all Romanians hate Jews and I do not want to leave that impression. There are maybe between 7000-9000 Jews living in Romania as of 2010. The anti- Semitism is blooming there. Sure we can help from the outside to spread the truth about the killing of Jews in Romania. How do we educate the Romanians who do not want to listen, who are deniers, who would rather hate than believing in the truth?

Wanda Lucaciu
Los Angeles, California

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Edgar Hauster
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 10:24 PM
To:; Ruth Gold
Cc: Breier Hardy;
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] A Romanian investigation

Dear Wanda, Dear Ruth,

I'm very sorry, but I suppose, that your recent mails are based on a huge misunderstanding! I suppose you don't read Romanian and/or you didn't read the original text of the investigation, as the investigation, we are talking about,


has not been effected nowadays, BUT in 1942 by the Antonescu regime (!!!) and thanks to Liviu Carare, PhD candidate in contemporary history at the Romanian Academy “George Baritiu” Institute of History in Cluj-Napoca, we all now are aware of this exciting and thrilling document. Liviu Carare received a master’s degree in Jewish History and Hebrew studies from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. Actually he is completing his researches for his dissertation on the subject “Jews from Czernowitz. 1941-1944″ on a scholarship of the USHMM in Washington:

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