[Cz-L] Our origin

From: <melava1_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 10:01:20 -0700
To: czernowitz-L <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: melava1_at_netvision.net.il

[please post in Plain Text --thanks]

Dear all,
        My Paternal grandmother, Hendel Rosner nee PFAU, was born in
        I found in a book "Stammbuch der Frankfurter Juden.... 1349 -
        1849" by Dr. Alexander Dietz (1907), a drawing: "Grundplan der
        Judengasse im Jahre 1711.
        Along the narrow street, which is almost glued to the city's
        wall, on it's both sides are houses. Each house and it's number
        and name. Following are examples of some names:: "Goldener
        Schwan:; "Goldene Kette"; "Schwarzes Schild"; and not far from
        the house "Rotes Schild"; I found to my surpr5ise my
        grandmother's maiden name: two houses, wall to wall, each with a
        different number, carry her name: (1)
        "GOLDENER PFAU" (2) "PFAU".
        What do you think: Is it a coincidence, or can I conclude that
        the origin of my grandmother's family is Ashkenas?
        Shabbat Shalom,
        Miriam Lava, Israel

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