Re: [Cz-L] Horecca Monastire

From: Eytan Fichman <>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2012 00:45:05 -0400
Reply-to: Eytan Fichman <>

 a 1904 Monasterzyska Tax Payers List for Monasterzyska can be found at


Eytan Fichman
B.Arch., M.Arch., Ed.M.
42 / 11 Tran Binh Trong,
Hai Phong, Viet Nam

-----Original Message-----
From: Abraham Kogan <>
To: 'Charlotte Stahley' <>; 'Czernowitz-L'
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 2:20 am
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Horecca Monastire

Mrs. Stahley,There is a suburb of Cz., not far away from Horecea,
called Monasteriska.Perhaps you could find somebody who was born there
or lived there.Abraham K.-----Original Message-----From:[mailto:bounce-57272033-3499314_at_l] On Behalf Of CharlotteStahleySent: Saturday, May 12,
2012 1:39 PMTo: Czernowitz-LSubject: [Cz-L] Horecca MonastireHi to all,
I'm Charlotte Stahley, geb. Hack (born 1944 in an concentration camp
nearAuschwitz). My parents lived in Czernowitz and were deported in
1940 toSchlesien. Meanwhile they are dead and I would like to know
something abouttheir time in Czernowitz.My mother's name was Lola Hack,
born 1918 in Horecca Monastire as LolaMoseruk. She married Friedrich
Hack (born 1914) in Czernowitz 1935.My mother was Jewish while
Friedrich Hack was ethnic Austrian or German.During my investigations
about my parents I found a lot of open questionsand I hope someone of
you could help me:I couldn`t find any information about the town
Horecca Monastire whichshould be near Czernowitz. Also I cannot find
any Information about the grandparents Michael andVeronica Moseruk,
geb. Smolenziuk.It`s possible, that the pronouncing of all the last
names is wrong orwritten wrong. So Moseruk maybe can also be Moseruc or
similar.Maybe someone knows something about my family and knows the
town HoreccaMonastire (which maybe written wrong too). I look forward
to get lots of interesting information's from you. SincerelyCharlotte
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