Re: [Cz-L] Explanation and Apology

From: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 23:06:31 +0200
To: Anny Matar <>, <>
Reply-To: <>

Dear Anny,

Generally I am not a fighter and I let win the other part....but concerning
the colors of the different uniforms....I must correct you...In Czernowitz.
between the wars, the policeman had brown uniforms, the military uniform of
the soldiers was "kaki"so green-yellow, the uniform of the officers were
"dark sable" You left the town in 1938, so you had never the happiness to
meet a blue uniform of the NKGB, , or the of the singing soldiers,through
the streets, singing " iestli zaftra voina.... (if tomorrow will be
war..)., you have never seen the blue-grey uniforms of the SS, or the the
"asur-blue uniform of the "Deutsche Flugwaffe" or the yellow/orange
uniforms of the italian every time, when the bell was sound
and I saw on our door an uniform.... I was shocked...and this hate for
uniforms was resting my whole long life..
Have a nice Shabbat with the last candle
-----Original Message-----
From: Anny Matar
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 7:13 PM
To: Miriam Taylor
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Explanation and Apology

Hi all,
I find this discussion extremely interesting even more so because new names
appeared on the list, names, I at least, never heard from before.
I'm afraid I have no German thesaurus to find the correct interpretation of
the word "snob". Mimi so aptly explained how "upper and lower"
Czernowitzers lived and how many divisions were in both societies,
religous, zionist,educated, town and suburbs (Sadagura, Rosch etc.).
I would like to add that in my own family these divsions were accepted. My
grandfather was a very religious man who lived in a household which was
"modern". He himself, like most of my "educated" family was impressed by he
socialist idea and read many modern books. My uncle studied in the Sadura
court, laid Tfillin to the day he died, his brother in law was Rabbi
Spector -who was the cantor and rabbi of the Kor-schil- without all the
glory of Ober-Rabiner Marc, a very modest man who wrote the most beautiful
music and sang without organ, brother in law to Joseph Schmidt.
All these were my close and beloved family but we spoke German, knew and
were proud to be Jewish, enjoyed every Holyday in Shul. Were we snobs
because we didn't speak Yiddish?
My step-father had family in Rosch. We visited each other and in need we
were there to help. Their two daughters were my friends till they passed
away. What am I?? I never knew that there were Goim in town except for our
Hausmeister, the police and army who walked around town with their light
blue uniforms and powdered faces and, of course the firemen. For me
Gheorghe - Cuza was the first encounter with "the others". I lived and
breathed Jewish life but I never looked down on others, I just never
encountered them.
Hag Sameach, Shabbat Shalom,

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