RE: [Cz-L] 28 June 1940_ 28 June 1914

From: Irene Fishler <>
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 14:10:26 +0300
To: "'Berti Glaubach'" <>
Reply-To: Irene Fishler <>

Hi, All

I agree with Berti.

Here are a few sentences from my father's ( born 1903) memoirs:
Sommer 1914. Das Schuljahr war gerade zu Ende gegangen. Wir kamen in die
Klasse zur Zeugnissverteilung, da teilte uns der Klassenvorstand mit, dass
gestern den 28.Juni " unser geliebter Thronfolger Franz Ferdinand von boesen
Fanatikern in Sarajewo ermordet wurde". Ein leises Bangen schlich in unsere
Herzen , bald schon stuerzten wir in den Sommer hinaus um die unterbrochenen
herrlichen Spiele wieder aufzunehmen.


Summer of 1914. The school year had just ended. We arrived in the class for
certificate distribution, when we were told by the class -teacher that
yesterday, the 28th of June "our beloved Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand was
assassinated in Sarajevo by malicious fanatics". A slight trepidation crept
into our hearts, soon we rushed out into the summer to resume our
interrupted magnificent games.

What happened a month later , is the beginning of the real story.

Wishing all Czernowitzers a nice and peaceful summer!


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Berti
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 10:57 PM
Cc: Asher Turtel; Abraham Kogan; Cz group e_mail
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] 28 June 1940

Or the curious coincidence that Franz Ferdinand and his wife were
assassinated also on June 28 but in the year 1914. Cause or excuse for WWI?
Surely start of decisive changes for many regions around.
I vote for this last date as most important in the life of Czernowitzers,
at least for our parents. To go back to 1848 and connect to personally,
appears more difficult to me.
[Berti Glaubach]

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