RE: Aw: Re: [Cz-L] A hidden prayer room

From: cornel fleming <>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 09:19:43 +0100
To: "'HARDY BREIER'" <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>, "'Miriam Taylor'" <>
Reply-To: "cornel fleming" <>

Hardy, every time I was there I saw black hats etc....the Jews have not
disappeared!! Cornel

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of HARDY BREIER
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 5:51 AM
To: Miriam Taylor
Cc: Christian Herrmann; Stephen Winters; Kreindler Simon; Czernowitz
Genealogy and History
Subject: Re: Aw: Re: [Cz-L] A hidden prayer room

Funny, but there may even not be antisemitism in all this The Jews are so
far away lost in history.
   A faraway exotic tribe who once lived here .
    The ones who remember are gone.
      The young ones dont know.
        The young who know eat elsewhere.
           "Vater unser der Du bist".

----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
Cc: "Christian Herrmann" <>; "Stephen Winters"
<>; <>; "Czernowitz Genealogy
and History" <>
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: Aw: Re: [Cz-L] A hidden prayer room

> Hardy's questions made me realize that I made one very large mistake;
> Lviv is no longer part of Poland. In Poland all former private properties
> have been returned to their previous owners, whether Christian or Jewish.
> The same in Romania and Hungary, but in the Ukraine, I believe that
> private
> or communal properties have not been returned to their former owners.
> Think about the "Tempel".
> It is therefore unlikely that the Jewish community of Lviv sold the land
> on which the golden Rose synagogue once stood to the present owner.
> I have no idea who the present owner is.
> From what I could observe in one visit, the cafe does well,
> it is right in the center of the city.
> Hardy asks whether the Anti-Semitic gimmick is a good idea, my answer:
> Probably, I saw no demonstrators in front of the Cafe.
> I doubt that it is frequented only by anti-Semites, but it is not shunned
> by the local people.
> Do you know why many people did not fight fascism as soon as it reared
> its ugly head?
> Not being Jewish they saw no reason to fight against Anti-Semitism.
> When the fascists killed the insane, they did not care, no one in their
> families was insane.
> When the Fascists arrested and killed communists, they did not care, they
> were not communists.
> Eventually the Fascists arrested and killed people at random, but there
> was no one left to fight
> for the victims.
> I do not know whether Anti Semitism is punishable in the Ukraine, it is
> not punishable
> in England, France, Sweden or Norway.
> Where do they buy the Matzah? Eich soll azoi wissen fun Tzures ( may I
> know as little of troubles).
> No, there is no Polish government in Lviv. (mea culpa).
> Mimi
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