Oh for sure - I read it from cover to cover when it existed.
----- Original Message -----
To: "Bruce Reisch" <bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu>; "CZERNOWITZ-L"
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] czernowitz-l digest: September 07, 2014
> Andy , do you remember the American "MAD" magazine?
> Hardy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bruce Reisch" <bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu>
> To: "CZERNOWITZ-L" <CZERNOWITZ-L_at_list.cornell.edu>
> Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 3:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] czernowitz-l digest: September 07, 2014
> [Please remember to post in Plain Text . . .]
> From: Andy Halmay <venivici.andy_at_gmail.com>
> Reply-To: Andy Halmay <venivici.andy_at_gmail.com>
> Date: Monday, September 8, 2014 at 7:47
> To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
> Subject: Re: czernowitz-l digest: September 07, 2014
> re MAX & MORITZ - I started to develop a screenplay on the story's theme
> by having the ghost of Wilhelm Busch tell the story of a German couple who
> named their new twins Max & Moritz and then the youngsters grow up to
> become rascals as big as their cartoon namesakes.
> Research revealed that my imagination wasn't so far removed from the real
> world. Many German speaking couples who have had twins have named their
> offspring Max und Moritz.
> I have their Opa and Oma bring them to America and the old folks speak
> "Gerglish," a crazy mix of English mit Deutsch. We introduce Die Oompah
> Oafs, a comical Tyroler band, etc. One of the songs they sing is Yankee
> Doodle Lausbub:
> Ich bin ein Yankee doodle Lausbub
> Ein Yankee mit dem Oompah Band
> Ein echter Nephew
> von mein Onkel Sam
> Geborn in this
> wonderful Land
> Ich hab ein Yankee
> Doodle Freulein
> Sie ist my Yankee
> Doodle joy
> Yankee Doodle komt
> zu Frankfurt
> Nur zu ride ein Esel
> Ich bin ein Yankee
> Doodle Boy
> What surprised me when I started my research was the horrible end of these
> little rascals. I doubt that any publisher would dare publish such an
> ending in a children's book today. They fell into a mill and came out as
> little nuggets and geese then ate up the nuggets. This didn't frighten us
> as children. I can't recall my infant reaction. Maybe we thought it was
> funny.
> I recall an incident when my own children were three and four and we
> lived in Queens, New York. We had an artist neighbor who had a stubby,
> arthritic little dog he called Boopsie or some such name. He had pulled
> up beside a water tap outside an apartment building, tied the dog to his
> bumper, then attached a hose to the tap and washed his car. When done, he
> forgot about Boopsie tied to the bumper and drove around the building to
> find a proper parking spot.
> Fortunately he drove slowly and Boopsie wasn't killed but he got some tire
> burns on his side and was in shock. The artist rushed the pooch to a vet
> and the dog was saved. Now my wife told me this story and just as she
> finished our boys came into the room and she indicated that I should not
> tell them this story because it might traumatize them. We disagreed on
> much of their upbringing. I always felt that children should learn about
> the real world instead of being sheltered. A bit later when I was alone
> with the older one, aged four, I told him the story.
> His eyes widened with a kind of look of horror and he said dramatically,
> "It is a good thing that he didn't drive down there..." He pointed to a
> spot where the Van Wyck Expressway ran by with heavy traffic to the
> airport 24 hours per day. My four year old continued his response to the
> story in a voice that would have been applauded by Vincent Price. "If he
> had driven down there then there would be no more Poopsie. Just a chain
> hanging from the bumper." He dramatically gestured a little chain hanging
> from a bumper and it gave me goosebumps.
> Andy HalmayVeni Vici Entertainment Inc.,
> Toronto, Canada
> 1-416-925-1271 * Skype: Pronto711
> venivici.andy_at_gmail.com
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