Re: Re: [Cz-L] Converted_Jews

From: Shelley <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 21:19:53 -0400

No problem. It got to Channa and she responded.

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 8:48 PM, <> wrote:
> Your message was rejected by the list moderator because it is not
> appropriate for this mailing list.
> Sorry pal... I closed the Mila thread... Maybe you could adjust your post to respond to Channa without Ms.Kunis references?
> j
> A copy of the rejected message is included below.
> - The Moderator
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> Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 20:30:27 -0400
> Message-ID: <>
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Converted_Jews
> From: Shelley <>
> To: Anna Kofner <>
> CC: "" <>, "" <>, Anny Matar <>, Merle Kastner <>, Cornel Fleming <>, "" <>
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> I didn't expect such a strong reaction. My point was that while
> Mila's parents were obviously well educated - physics teacher,
> electrical engineer - there is nothing wrong with coming to America
> for opportunities. Yes, Mila suffered a rough adjustment at age 7 but
> within 2 years she was beginning an acting career. Many suffered in
> Russia but it sounds like Mila's parents were looking for greater
> opportunities for their daughter. And they succeeded. Many
> immigrants come here speaking not a word of English, like my
> grandparents and mother. My grandparents learned English as quickly
> as possible and my grandfather succeeded as a furniture maker. All
> immigrants come here and make various adjustments. The question is
> whether they are just fleeing anti-Semitism or looking for more
> opportunities. You be the judge.
> Shelley
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 5:39 PM, Anna Kofner <> wrote:
>> Hello Shelly I enjoy reading your posts. Even looked up your blog. I do
>> admire your courage and wish you all the best. You are right. There is
>> more to the story, specially one on Wikipedia, that's why they ask people to
>> contribute additional information. But this is a typical emigration story in
>> a nut shell, only with a happy ending. You were lucky to be born and to live
>> all you live in the same country and speak the same language your entire
>> life. She described what we all went through. The language, or the luck of
>> it. She felt like blind and deaf, At age 34 I felt like an idiot. I also
>> cried to my mother on the telephone for the first year. Can you imagine how
>> a seven year old feels taken out of the familiar environment? And by the
>> way, we did not leave because we wanted better jobs or more money. As a
>> matter of fact many of the immigrants had great jobs. We left because we
>> did not want us and/or our children to be hostages to the powers to be. And
>> so we left the place, the culture, some of the family and friends. It's not
>> easy for a grown up. For some reason there is a believe that children
>> adjust. It's because nobody asked the children. In the end they adjust,
>> eventually, but I think she described it beautifully. A lot of immigrant
>> children misbehave because they feel like a fish out of water. I observe it
>> every day in my classrooms. I don't know Mila or her family, but I don't
>> think her story is so unusual except for the Hollywood ending. So, for what
>> it's worth to those of us who lived in former USSR the story is one of many
>> variations on the same theme As you can see, today I am not so silent.
>> Sorry for my mistakes in the previous post. I am a terrible typist. Channa
>>> Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 11:56:04 -0400 > Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Converted_Jews
>>> From: > To: > CC:
>>; > > Hardy, that's an
>> oversimplification. > > "Kunis was born in Chernivtsi, in the Ukrainian SSR
>> (now Ukraine).[5] > Her mother, Elvira, is a physics teacher who runs a
>> pharmacy, and her > father, Mark Kunis, is a mechanical engineer who works
>> as a cab > driver.[6] Kunis has an elder brother named Michael (born c. >
>> 1976).[7][8] She stated in 2011 that her parents had "amazing jobs", > and
>> that the family was "very lucky" and "not poor"; they had decided > to leave
>> the USSR because they saw "no future" there for Kunis and her > brother.[5]
>> In 1991, when she was seven years old, her family moved to > Los Angeles,
>> California with $250. "That was all we were allowed to > take with us. My
>> parents had given up good jobs and degrees, which > were not transferable.
>> We arrived in New York on a Wednesday and by > Friday morning my brother and
>> I were at school in LA."[5] > > Kunis comes from a Jewish family and has
>> cited antisemitism in the > former Soviet Union as one of several reasons
>> for her family's move to > the United States.[9][10][11] She has stated that
>> her parents "raised > [her] Jewish as much as they could," although religion
>> was suppressed > in the Soviet Union.[9] On her second day in Los Angeles,
>> Kunis was > enrolled at Rosewood Elementary School, not knowing a word of
>> English. > She later recalled: "I blocked out second grade completely. I
>> have no > recollection of it. I always talk to my mom and my grandma about
>> it. > It was because I cried every day. I didn't understand the culture. I >
>> didn't understand the people. I didn't understand the language. My > first
>> sentence of my essay to get into college was like, 'Imagine > being blind
>> and deaf at age seven.' And that's kind of what it felt > like moving to the
>> States."[12] "At age nine, Kunis was enrolled by > her father in acting
>> classes after school at the Beverly Hills > Studios" > > I think there's a
>> lot more to her story.... > > Shelley > > On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 10:31 AM,
>> Hardy Breier wrote: >> Mila Kunis is from Czernowitz. Big Holywood star. >>
>> She left Cz because of anti semitic remarks at school . >> I am confused -
>> whom should I believe ? >> >> Hardy > > >> > >
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Received on 2014-10-21 18:30:03

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