Just a minor comment.
For more than a decade after retirement, a partner and I directed a consulting company, that assisted local companies and institutes to submit successful multi-national research project proposals to the European |Commission Research and Development Program.
Based on our experience, we were accorded by the EC a number of projects in which we trained similar consulting bodies in 25 Central-, East-, and South-East-European countries, in the methodology of preparing successful proposals to the EC, in many of which we were the Scientific Directors.
Some ten years ago, in such a training project that we managed, the trainees came from 13 East-European countries, with Russia leading. The Russian representative in the project was a director of a large Scientific Institute in Moscow, who quite openly resented that a small Israeli outfit, led by a Jewish escapee from that small god-forsaken little border town in the Ukraine, was chosen to direct the project and train Russian outfits in 6 central cities, including the major ones like Moscow, Petersburg, and even Omsk...
He showed his resentment often but an one of the project meetings he came to me and scolded me: "We sent you (Israel) one million (!!!) scientists and engineers, why don't you reciprocate, and send on your own expense, such scientists to train groups not only in these cities, but in some twenty, thirty or more. You know how how large Russia is - what you are doing in this project is insignificant!"
My partner and I realised then the dichotomy in which the Russian Intelligentsia at the highest level lives with respect to the Jewish elite who had left them. On the one hand - a deep rooted antisemitism, and on the other - the realisation of the quite significant loss to Russia as a result of their departure.
Incidentally, all other East- and South-East European partners in the project, including the Ukrainian, who was also a director of a large Scientific Institute (in Kiev), and who too had experienced the exodus of the Jewish elite, overwhelmed us with their appreciation of the help we were according to their trainees. Maybe in his case, my origin as a "landsman" (born in Czernivitsyi) helped.
> This was forwarded to me by my relative from Prague.
> It was written by a Russian writer. Funny,, I never saw it this
> way. It does provides some insights of the current situation in
> Russia. I don't believe Ukraine is different from Russia.
> I will try to translate it to the best of my abilities. Wish me luck.
> Am using plain text, hope it will work.
> Channa
> In Russia it is fashionable to be a "Jew"
> A pretty unreasonable social trend evolved in Russia.
> It became fashionable to be a"Jew". You register like for a Yoga
> class. Why is it?
> Once I noticed, on one of the major TV channels, a kosak choir
> performing a song about a "Rabbi selling bullets" to an uneasy
> reaction of the audience. The TV Leadership, usually sensitive
> to incitement, did not even blink. This is permissible. If
> Jewish chorus would sing something like this about a Russian
> priest the story would be different.
> It is all because there are practically no Jews left. According
> to the official data there are less than 200 000 (Jews in Russia).
> There are more "Jokes" than the population. Looks like there is
> nobody to ask the notorious question, that troubled the Russian
> Intellectuals for so many years. The skinheads are now hunting
> the Tajiks the Armenians are taking over comedy on TV. The Jew.
> under who's "oppression" Russia existed, in reality ceased to
> contribute to the cultural, scientific and social life
> (development) of the country. Now, it looks like they will stop
> contributing to the business activity.
> The Jews are gone. What a shame. It was fun to have then
> around. They also brought (substance?) meaning to our life.
> There is less fundamental knowledge and innovative ideas.
> This ancient tribe has been always sensitive to new (ideas).
> Nuclear synthesis, cinematography - everywhere where new ideas
> and non-standard decision are required, they stick their nose.
> And, as usual, rightfully so. Jews, like non others, always and
> every where supported modernizing, rebirth, progress. Maybe,
> exactly the lack of real progress, quality leap that our society
> needs needs to make in order to realistically respond to the
> demands of this century, somehow is connected with the
> disappearance of this active, capable minority,
> The Jews left (abandoned?) Russia. Will some body tell me to
> whom did they leave Russia?
> Once upon a time there was a people. Physicians, violin players,
> jokers. Heads of stores and labs, dentists and microbiologists.
> People like people, though they were the chosen people. But in
> those times life was hard and powers in charge needed an image.
> An image of an enemy. Lets say , not just doctors, but Killer-
> Doctors. Somebody has to take the blame for everything. In
> short, a collective Karrabas-Barrabas - in stripes, hairy
> and with a long nose. Later the Jews begin leave and Karrabas-
> Barrabas turned from being a Killer Doctor into a good,
> contemporary Dr. Doolittle. The image has changed into a legend.
> The legend of the enemy people has transformed into the legend
> of a smart people. Portraits of Einstein appeared on office
> walls. That how the "Jews" became a brand. Some kind of a
> paradoxical symbol and an indicator of quality.
> The woman who does my wife's nails, a beautiful kazatchksa with
> black brows, is wearing a Magen David from Tiffany. They proudly
> take their Jewish husbands last names. People with white russian
> last names discover some fairy tale grandmothers from Odessa.
> This brutal, Spielberg and Stallone both have grandmothers from
> Odessa. So there are not enough Jews. But some are trying to
> upgrade the quality of their grey sells by association with a
> fairy tale relations
> Funny? Sad?
> [Anna Kofner]
> [The Russion text could not be displayed and was deleted by the
> moderator]-------------------------------------------------------
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