Hi Mordecai,
thank you very much for this interesting story.
If you follow this link you will see the factory house on the right side: Number 20, ground flour painted red.
Just put this into the address bar of your browser:
----- Ursprüngliche Message -----
> Von: "lapidotm_at_inter.net.il" <lapidotm_at_inter.net.il>
> An: alexander rosner <alexanderrosner_at_yahoo.de>
> CC: Hardy Breier <hardy3_at_bezeqint.net>; Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
> Gesendet: 18:07 Samstag, 15.November 2014
> Betreff: תשובה: Re: [Cz-L] Panorama Ruska West
>T hanks, Alex,
> The number makes sense.
> There is an interesting story to go with it. The factory was owned by my uncle,
> Leon Grossman, in the late thirties. When Barbarossa started, it was of course
> "nationalised" by the Romanians. The new "owner" was a
> "Regatler" who had arrived and received this gift. However, he knew
> little about textile weaving, so he retained my uncle as the "Meister"
> of the factory and gave him sufficient Popovici certificates to retain the
> entire staff (all Jews of course), as well as "mobilize" whoever he
> needed to increase production. He was hence able to save some tens of families
> from deportation to Transnistria.
> Several months after the occupation, refugees from Galicia and Poland suceeded
> to cross the border. My uncle and my father (who was the manager of the
> warehouse) joined the local underground "railway" that smuggled these
> refugees into Romania, I do not know by what means - I suppose a lot of bribery
> was involved.
> What I do recall vividly was that the warehouse contained a number of deep
> troughs, filled with great lengths of curtains, that were checked meter by meter
> to detect any failures, and were then rolled into big rolls. Since the refugees
> had to be hidden for several days, until they could be shipped southward, they
> were kept lying in the troughs, under the curtains during the days (with the few
> chosen workers there quite aware of them). During that certain period my father
> took on double shifts, so he could work there until the evening, when he could
> lock the doors so the refugees could get around and stretch their legs during
> the nights. I was apparently trusted enough, so I was encharged every day to
> bring my father "lunch" and "dinner" It was quite a huge
> lunch and a huge dinner for one person... But who would suspect a boy aged 8 of
> such mysterious actions. Just a very hungry father...
> Some years later, in Israel, I happened to walk by a certain factory and - lo -
> I met there as watchman one of the refugees (he happened to be a cousin of my
> grandfather). Unfortunately the Germans were able to close that route from
> Poland after a couple of months.
> Thanks very much Shavu'a Tov
> Mordecai
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