Pinkt our Czernowitzer Volksdeutsche were put to shoot the Lodz Jews into
the mass graves !
This was a mean thing to do !
They were our Germans after all!
All decent Nazis to the bone !
Eine Gemeinheit !
-----Original Message-----
From: hedbren_at_zahav.net.il [mailto:hedbren_at_zahav.net.il]
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 3:41 PM
To: Hardy Breier; Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Germans go home.
Hi Hardy,
Thanks for the picture from 1941, when all Germans of the northern Bukovin=
a hoped for a better life in Germany..
After Hitlers call "Heim ins Reich", 12.000 Germans were transferred to Si=
lesia, where , the Jewish homes, after their deportation, were empty, or =
to Austria, they had many empty apartments from deported Jews too. After t=
heir arriving in "the Reich", young boys were incorporated in the SS as so=
ldiers and after a short instruction up to the frontlines, mostly to Pola=
nd...The "frontlines "were in the woods near Lodz, were the deported Jews f=
rom the polish ghettos were shot, but before, they must make their grave,=
naked without clothes and than ,on the bord of the big grave, they were s=
hot, falling directly in the mass-grave...men, women, children , here the =
young soldiers from Bukowina learnt how to kill. Where are travelling our =
Jewish friends, asked some Germans, who had Jewish friends.... To work, to =
Poland, was the answer .and the Germans did not ask further, they knew that=
in a totalitarian state it is not allowed to ask too much...
.The police/comissair Dr. Friedrich Kuczinski lived in the house of my gra=
ndmother and his twin/sons Willy and Fritz were 3 years older than me...so =
known as very cruel to the comunists..he went also with the Germans to "The=
Reiosch," his sons were taken to instructions, put in the SS and sent to =
Poland...After the war I was told that Willy was captured by the partisan=
s and hanged, and Fritz was shot also in Poland...
Like every old women, who lived the European history can tell stories
about life and death..
Shabbat Shalom, have a noce week/end and regards Hedwig
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