Re: [Cz-L] Germans go home.

From: yosi-jerry <>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2015 01:21:49 +0300
To: Hardy Breier <>, <>, <>
Reply-To: yosi-jerry <>

Two cases of Romanian Volksdeutsche known to me (beside the one I already
told). Literature Nobel laureate Herta Mueller comes from a family of
Romanian Volksdeutsche. She writes in German. Her father was a Waffen SS.
Her works are mostly about the suffering of the Romanian Volksdeutsche under
the the Communist regime in Romania. The second story was told to me an
acquaintance, a survivor of Auschwitz. When in Auschwitz she was called to
the office of the SS. She thought it was her end, but there she was met by a
SS man who was a Volksdeutsch from her hometown. He told her not to tell she
knew him only when he'll come next time for countdown to to finger her bed.
After that all the time she was in Auschwitz she would find under her
mattress two slices of bread.
Yosef Eshet

From: "Hardy Breier" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 4:22 PM
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Germans go home.

Pinkt our Czernowitzer Volksdeutsche were put to shoot the Lodz Jews into
the mass graves !
This was a mean thing to do !
They were our Germans after all!
All decent Nazis to the bone !
Eine Gemeinheit !

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 3:41 PM
To: Hardy Breier;
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Germans go home.

Hi Hardy,
Thanks for the picture from 1941, when all Germans of the northern Bukovina
hoped for a better life in Germany..
After Hitlers call "Heim ins Reich", 12.000 Germans were transferred to
Silesia, where , the Jewish homes, after their deportation, were empty, or
to Austria, they had many empty apartments from deported Jews too. After
their arriving in "the Reich", young boys were incorporated in the SS as
soldiers and after a short instruction up to the frontlines, mostly to
Poland...The "frontlines "were in the woods near Lodz, were the deported
Jews from the polish ghettos were shot, but before, they must make their
grave, naked without clothes and than ,on the bord of the big grave, they
were shot, falling directly in the, women, children , here
the young soldiers from Bukowina learnt how to kill. Where are travelling
our Jewish friends, asked some Germans, who had Jewish friends.... To work,
to Poland, was the answer .and the Germans did not ask further, they knew
that in a totalitarian state it is not allowed to ask too much...
.The police/comissair Dr. Friedrich Kuczinski lived in the house of my
grandmother and his twin/sons Willy and Fritz were 3 years older than known as very cruel to the comunists..he went also with the Germans
to "The Reiosch," his sons were taken to instructions, put in the SS and
sent to Poland...After the war I was told that Willy was captured by the
partisans and hanged, and Fritz was shot also in Poland...
Like every old women, who lived the European history can tell stories
about life and death..
Shabbat Shalom, have a noce week/end and regards Hedwig
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