[Cz-L] Thank you

From: Eleanor Thom <eleanor_thom_at_yahoo.co.uk_at_nowhere.org>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2015 11:53:44 +0000 (UTC)
Reply-To: Eleanor Thom <eleanor_thom_at_yahoo.co.uk>
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>

I want to say thank you very much to everyone on the list who sent me some =
information relating to my questions about chernivtsi watchmaking, which I =
still long to know more about! And thank you also to those who sent warm we=

I have spent a good while this morning reading the latest digests with fasc=
ination. The tax register is particularly interesting to me. I found a fami=
ly in Wiznitz which I feel must be ancestors of my g g grandmother Deborah =
Roll (and me of course), since she was last resident in Banilla, not far aw=
ay at all. In the tax register I saw there is a Dvora Roll aged in her earl=
y 40s.

Deborah/Dvora/Dora is a family name which has passed down numerous generati=
ons. My cousin is named after our grandmother Deborah, who is named after h=
er grandmother, and it now looks like she may also have been named after th=
is Dvora Roll. Quite astonishing! My 1 year old daughter also has 'Eudora' =
as her middle name, a reference to my grandmother who we all called 'Dora'.=
 So I am really quite excited to find this. I hope eventually some document=
s will come to light to prove the connection.

I am looking forward very much to being part of this group. I am a writer l=
iving in the West Coast of Scotland. As for how we came to be here, my gran=
dmother arrived in the UK as a refugee from Berlin on a domestic visa in 19=
39. She married a Scottish travelling man in 1942. I wrote a book based on =
family stories from the Traveller side of my family, which involved a lot o=
f research. It is called The Tin-Kin, if anyone wants to check me out! At t=
he time (this was nearly 10 years ago) I knew very little about my Jewish s=
ide of the family, since we believed all records to be lost. So I did not w=
rite about my Jewish side in the book, but I always wanted to know more. I =
started to research my grandmother's life intensively after the birth of my=
 son in 2010. Something about having children made me want to know more, an=
d we went to Berlin where we eventually found a great deal of information s=
urviving in archives. It has been a gradual process of piecing back togethe=
r what we thought was lost forever. My grandmother died suddenly in 1980, w=
hen I was a baby, so sadly I had no opportunity to ask her questions. She r=
eally had a hard life, and must have felt so isolated ending up in a small =
northern Scottish town with no Jewish community at all. It was a shock, and=
 very sad to me, to find out how hugely different her early life was to the=
 one she had in the UK.

I am writing a new book now about my search for the Jewish side of the fami=
ly. It is part of my PdD at the University of the West of Scotland, and I h=
ope to complete it this year.

My very best wishes to all and again, thank you. I am really glad to have f=
ound this group. I realised my mistake and have now switched to plain text.=

Eleanor Thom

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