Hello everyone -
I have been doing some research for a family history that I am writing; my =
grandparents on my mother's side migrated to the United States from Czernow=
itz in 1912-13; and have found the following statistics on the Jewish popul=
ation of Czernowitz. These are excerpts from various articles on the web:
On August 31, 1774, the Austrian general, Gabriel Freiherr von Spleny enter=
ed Czernowitz at the head of his troops. He reported to Vienna that "Czern=
owitz is a fairly well-populated place. The best houses belong to local Jew=
s who are well-established". A further report says that in 1775 there were =
(not counting the suburbs of Rosch and Horecza) 290 families of whom 112 we=
re Jewish. This is one of the earliest official counts of the Jews in Czer=
nowitz. Another early census around this time noted the population to cons=
ist of 11,000 Romanian families, 1,261 Ruthenians, 294 Gypsies, 58 Armenian=
s and 526 Jews.
According to the census of 1880, there were 14,449 Jews in Czernowitz, in 1=
890, the number was 17,359, in 1900 the number rose to 21,586 and in 1910 t=
o 28,613. Jews from the surrounding villages where their houses were destr=
oyed during the war, moved into Czernowitz, increasing the number of Jews i=
n 1940 to approximately 50,000 which was about half of the total population=
Here is a chart from Wikipedia:
Jews in Chernivtsi
according to Austrian-Hungarian Census
Year total pop. Jews % Jews
1857 ca. 22,000 4,678 21.6%
1869 ca. 34,000 9,552 28.2%
1880 ca. 46,000 14,449 31.7%
1890 ca. 54,000 17,359 32.0%
1900 ca. 68,000 21,587 31.9%
1910 ca. 87,000 28,613 32.8%
Howard Sackel
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-119944206-73647081_at_list.cornell.edu [mailto:bounce-119944206-7=
3647081_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Jim Wald
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 10:53 PM
To: Bruce Reisch; CZERNOWITZ-L
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Jewish Population in Bukovina between 1774-1914
Did we ever get an answer to this? I don't seem to see one in my inbox.
I, too, would be very interested.
(Oh--and I haven't forgotten about the maps, just haven't gotten to them)
On 11/11/2015 07:18, Bruce Reisch wrote:
> Hi Yossi,
> Excellent to know more of your story, and to see that you’ve alre=
> made a firm connection to Elias Neid, your G-G-G-Grandfather. But you
> slipped in a comment about a taxpayer’s list from 1880. Is this=
> already posted somewhere on the internet? Where can we find this 1880 lis=
> Many thanks,
> Bruce
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