Re: [Cz-L] Jewish Population in Bukovina between 1774-1914

From: Bruce Reisch <>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 12:23:17 +0000
To: Jim Wald <>, CZERNOWITZ-L <>
Reply-To: Bruce Reisch <>

Hi Jim,

Yossi replied to me privately; I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I shared th=
following with you:

Hi Bruce
Actually I did slip (made a mistake). The year is 1808. Sorry. The
information is from an article written by Mimi's uncle Dr. Manfred Reifer.:
It must be somewhere on ehpes.

Tolerated Jewish farmers in the Bukowina (1808)
(Manfred Reifer, Historische Schriften, Czernowitz 1938)

  PlaceFirst, NameFamily Name

      Bahrynestie, GabrielSarasin
      Bajaschestie, WolfThurneisen
      Banilla, AbrahamKamehl
      Banilla, SimonLachner
      Banilla, MoisesWirth
      Berbestie, WolfHecht
      Bojan, IsaacHeller
      Bojan, IsraelKalmer
      Bojan, JudaZapler
      Bojanczuk, IsaacGoltz
      Bojanczuk, SalomonWender
      Czahor, HirschGeiger
      Czarny, PotokJudaBrutmann
      Czarny, PotokLeaLiederin
      Doroschutz, SamuelKuehbach
      Doroschutz, JudaMerdinger
      Gaureni, BeerSaider
      Hliboka, BenischStoeger
      Hliboka, SalomonWagner
      Hlinitza, HirschHerzig
      Hlinitza, MosesHerzig
      Horodnik, BeerFreyer
      Horoschoutz, AbrahamNossen
      Horoschutz, DavidDelfiner
      Idzestie, JudaSaldinger
      Ispas, AbrahamBrecher
      Ispas, AsarHoffer
      Ispas, NaphtaliMintzter
      Iwankoutz, JacobWiesenfeld
      Jurkoutz, JudaKuehbach
      Juzinetz, HirschGabel
      Kabestie, AronAltmann
      Kabestie, JonathanAltmann
      Kabestie, WolfAltmann
      Kabestie, AbrahamMiller
      Kalafindestie, JacobSchober
      Kalinestie, NaphtaliLesner
      Kalinestie, AronLinster
      Kamenka, MarcusRidler
      Kimpolung, AbrahamAgaton
      Kindestie, IsraelLinsenfeld
      Komanestie, LeviFauster
      Korowia, IsaacKulla
      Kuczurmare, AronJawitz
      Kuczurmare, MariaMaislinin
      Kuczurmare, CaeciliaMondsteinin
      KupkaIsaac, Laufmann
      Lehuczeni, TeutuluiHirschKleinbrod
      Lenczestie, AbrahamLanghaus
      Mahala, WolfBauer
      Malatine, tzSarahGeigerin
      Mardzina, JosiasSchaphir
      Mihalcze, AronBlum
      Mihalcze, NoeBlum
      Mihalcze, AbrahamPiper
      Mihowa, JosiasHaller
      Millie, LazarHopmann
      Molodia, Elias Neid
      Molodia, Lazar Neid
      Muszenitza, MichaelKorber
      Ober Stanestie, AbrahamResch
      Ober Stanestie, IsaacResch
      Ober Stanestie, MarcusResch
      Okna, DavidSternberger
      Sadagura, AbrahamBruckenthal
      Sadagura, AbrahamHalman
      Sadagura, HirschHalmann
      Sadagura, AbrahamRedlich
      Slobodzia ScheroutzIsaacGranicher
      Slobodzia ScheroutzMoisesSchnitzer
      Unter StanestieJacobResch
      Unter StanestieRachelRettichin
      Unter StanestieNaphtaliSchwartz
      Unter StanestieSimonWolf


On 11/30/15, 22:52, "Jim Wald" <> wrote:

>Did we ever get an answer to this? I don't seem to see one in my inbox.
>I, too, would be very interested.
> (Oh--and I haven't forgotten about the maps, just haven't gotten to
>On 11/11/2015 07:18, Bruce Reisch wrote:
>>Hi Yossi,
>>Excellent to know more of your story, and to see that you’ve already ma=
>>a firm connection to Elias Neid, your G-G-G-Grandfather. But you slipped
>>in a comment about a taxpayer’s list from 1880. Is this already posted
>>somewhere on the internet? Where can we find this 1880 list?
>>Many thanks,

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