Dear Ruth, Dear Hedwig,
Thank you both for sharing your stories on Jasha Bronstein, Prof. Samuel Fl=
or and others with all of us. On behalf of the USHMM Randy M. Goldmann cond=
ucted an interview with Prof. Samuel Flor in July 1994:
Interview summary as per USHMM: "Samuel Flor, born on February 22, 1908 in =
Gura Humorului, Romania, describes growing up in a religious family and com=
munity; joining a music conservatory in Vienna to study the violin at the a=
ge of 17; establishing the Flor String Quartet in Chernivtsi , Romania (now=
Ukraine) and teaching at the music conservatory there; meeting Gertrude Gr=
anirer in Chernivtsi and marrying her in 1940; being forced into the ghetto=
with Gertrude in 1942; his deportation to a labor site in the Ladyzhyn ghe=
tto in Romania (now Ukraine); claiming to be a dentist; moving to Tul’chy=
n, Ukraine, where they successfully pretended to be dentists for two years;=
joining the Czech Army after the war and playing first violin in the Czech=
Army band; immigrating to the United States with his wife; and playing the=
violin in Minneapolis, MN."
Don't miss part 6/6 of the interview, where Prof. Samuel Flor plays his vio=
Edgar Hauster <MacBookAir>
> From:
> Subject: [Cz-L] Professor Samuel Flor
> Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2015 21:31:58 -0500
> To:
> Hedwig mentioned that Jasha Bronstein studied violin in Czernowitz with P=
rofessor Samuel Flor, who was my late brother’s teacher as well. I had th=
e privilege of meeting Professor Flor and his pianist wife Gertie Flor in N=
ew York. During our visit, Professor Flor handed me a folder with a few new=
spaper pages of reviews of his students’ concerts, and one about my broth=
er’s recital at Radio Chisinau, which I wish to share with you.
> . Die Lokalzeitung Morgenblatt schrieb die folgende Kritik: (Morgenblatt,=
10. Mai 1940)
> “Radiokonzert M. Glasberg. Beim Anhören des Geigers Glasberg Manasse =
hatte ich das stolze Empfinden, er ist ein Czernowitzer, der zum Ruhm unser=
er Stadt sein Künstlertum durch das Radio verbreitet. Ein kaum 17jährig=
er Geiger, welcher, unbeirrt, in aller Stille seinen vorgezeichneten Weg ge=
ht, wurde vom Radio Kishiniev berufen, dort das Violinkonzert von Bach A-Mo=
ll zu spielen. Sein Ton scheint für’s Mikrophon besonders geeignet zu s=
ein und ist oft von blühender Fülle. Die Interpretation war klar, einwa=
ndfrei und echter Klassizismus. Wenn ihm auch vorläufig noch sein Lehrer,=
Professor S. Flor, den Weg ebnet und ihm über die ersten Hindernisse des=
öffentlichen Auftretens hinweghilft, so ist diesem Talent doch gewiss ei=
ne Zukunft, die über den Durchschnitt hinausgeht, vorauszusagen.“
> The local Morgenblatt newspaper wrote the following review: (Morgenblatt,=
May 10, 1940)
> "Radioconcert M. Glasberg. The violinist Manasse Glasberg is a Czernowitz=
er whose artistic genius and fame have spread throughout our town. Barely s=
eventeen years old, steadfast and serene, he follows his artistic path. He =
was invited by Radio Kishiniev to play the Bach Violin concerto in A minor.=
His tone appeared to be especially appropriate for the microphone, often o=
f blooming fullness. His interpretation was clear, faultless and of genuine=
classicism. If his teacher, Professor S. Flor, helps him to pave his road =
and to overcome his first obstacles to a public appearance, this talent cer=
tainly has a predictable future that will surpass the average." (my transla=
> Ruth
> Ruth Glasberg Gold
> 20191 E. Country Club Dr. #1802
> Aventura, Fl 33180
> T.305-936-9494
> C.305-308-8595
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