Hi there
My name is Wanda Ratcliffe-Smith I currently reside in Surrey BC,
located Just outside of
Vancouver, BC Canada. I am seeking my family history, mainly to find out
if I have Jewish
ancestors. I've been wondering about it for some time now but lately I
feel strongly lead
to seek out if my ancestors were Jewish although I'm at a bit of a stand
still in my search.
After reading various articles on Jewish-Gen as well other online
articles, and sending emails to various individuals/organizations Merle
Kastner replied, it was
wonderful to connect with her she was so very helpful, thank you so
much Merle:).
Merle sent me an email with a link to this site and suggested posting
my request for assistance here. So I would greatly appreciate your
assistance or if you
have any suggestions I would certainly welcome them.
A bit about what I already know from researching Canadian naturalization
records and census records.
My grandparents on both sides immigrated to Cupar Saskatchewan, Canada in
the late 1800 to early 1900 from the Raduti/ Hadikfalva/Andrasfalva areas
in Bukovina Hungary.
Their birth names are:
Antal FERENC(Z): my grandfather immigrated in 1919 (aka FRANK) FRANK is my
maiden name,
& Balbina BIRO my grandmother immigrated around 1910
Agoston URSZULAN (URSZULYAN) my grandfather immigrated early 1900s
& Julia OLLINGER, immigrated 1907
MY G... Grandparents on my DADS FATHERS side
G Grandfather: Filar FERENC(z) & G. G. Grandparents: Marton FERENC(z) &
Rozalia TUSA
G. Grandmother: Maria AMBRUS & G.G.Grandparents: Ferdinand AMBRUS &
Magdolna DOLHA
MY G... Grandparents on DADS MOTHERS side:
G Grandfather: Janos BIRO & G G Grandparents: Istvan BIRO & Balbina
G Grandmother: Rosalia CSIKI & G G Grandparents: Ferenc CSIKI & Maria PAL
MY G... Grandparents on my MOMS FATHERS side:
G Grandfather: Miklos URSZULAN: & G G Grandparents: Ferenc URSZULAN & Anna
G Grandmother: Maria EROS & G G Grandparents Jozsef EROS & Maria DAVID
MY G... Grandparents on my MOMS MOTHERS side:
G Grandfather: Ignatz OLLINGER & GG Grandparents Ignatz OLLINGER & Julia
G Grandmother: Katalin BALOG & Samuel BALOG & Maria KASLER
Grandparents names that go further back are: KEREKES, KERESZTES, KOVACS,
ancestors lived in Hadikfalva Hungary, now known as Dornesti and
Andrasfalva now known as Maneuti Romania
After researching Jewish Gen I found many of these names in various
databases including holocost databases and I wonder if some of these are my
ancestors. I also came across a picture of a tomb stone with a name that is
the same as my grandfathers name except for the letter G. My g g grandfather
on my moms side his name was IGNATZ OLLINGER and the name on the Tomb stone
is IGNATZ GOLLINGER' with a G. The dates on the tomb are not the exact but
close, died 1908 on tomb stone and I have 1916; and so I wonder could this
be my g g grandfather? How many Ignatz GOLLINGER's could there have been
then? How do I find out if this is my g g grandfather? Did both Jews and
non Jews share the same sirnames?
Anyway This is what I've been able to confirm so far... After my initial
Canadian archives research on my ancestors, and various articles about
Jewish communities in Saskatchewan. I recieved a family tree history from
my sister who connected with a geniologist by the name of Elizabeth LONG,
who lives in the US somewhere. She sent me a fairly detailed family history
tree on both sets of grandparents, but my concern was how could I verify
the information/names as accurate. About a month ago I connected with a
cousin on Jewish Gen who is also searching out his family history, for
different reasons than I, none the less he told me he, his wife and his son
were in Bonyhad HUNGARY for 6 weeks this past fall. In my conversation
with him he told me he also made contact with this Elizabeth LONG and she
connected him with a geniologist by the name of Lazlos RUDOLF who is also a
geniologist in the Tolna County area of HUNGARY. My cousin said that Lazlos
RUDOLF was able to sit down with them and show them many different family
histories and sources from the Bukovina area and he felt after meeting and
speaking with him, the information in the family tree history is accurate.
With that I have taken the names of my ancestors beyond my great
grandparents from the family tree done by Elizabeth LONG and Lazlos
RUDOLF. If any of you know of either Elizabeth LONG or Lazlos RUDOLF I'd
feel better knowing I'm researching with accurate information:) but also
from another side my cousin told me Lazlos RUDOLF seemed to be very
knowledgeable with a lot of documentation so if anyone would like to check
him out I can try and get his info to anyone who wants it:)
Researching family history is great but what is important to me is to find
out if I have Jewish roots so If you have any information or know of anyone
who recognizes any of these names or has any suggestions I would very much
appreciate your assistance. Thank you kindly for your time:)
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