I looked right , I looked left,
I looked up I looked down !
Oh, wie ist der Schreck so groß!
Hinten ist erst recht nichts los
Oh how big the scare can be!
In the rear nothing to see !
Quote from Busch - Tobias Knopp.
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-120011027-3499476_at_list.cornell.edu
[mailto:bounce-120011027-3499476_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Irene
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2015 12:33 PM
To: 'Edgar Hauster'; 'Czernowitz Discussion Group'
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Mechel (Michael) Fleischer, 1842-1908, Men's Tailor in
Oh ,no, dear Edgar , you did not exaggerate. This is an amazing tool !
I spent last night many hours 'playing' with it .
In 1.5 seconds about 1500 search items , which I could reduce in seconds to
10, thanks to the excellent filtering options.
The very first "hit" to the "Wolf Ehrenkranz" search was a surprise . I
did not believe that I will find something about my once famous , now
forgotten ancestor. Here is the article written in November1917 in Vienna :
"Aus dem Leben eines juedischen Volksdichters" ( " The Life of a Jewish
Folks - Poet"):
Congratulations to your "Mechel Fleischer" successful search . In 1858 (!)
he was already an important personality in Czernowitz. You have deep roots =
Many thanks and Happy Holidays ,
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Received on 2015-12-24 09:58:06