They should ask us, the survivors, for our opinions.
Ruth Glasberg Gold
20191 E. Country Club Dr. #1802
Aventura, Fl 33180
On Dec 25, 2015, at 8:28 AM, Hardy Breier <> wrote:
> The idea is wonderful the location not so .
> The Ceremonial Hall is small , out of town, and holds tombs (if I heard
> right),
> Needs complete recondition.
> Security 24 hours.
> There are many other sites that are better:
> The Kultusgemeinde where the museum is now.
> The building is big and Jewish and central.
> The Temple (yes again).
> The Old Shil.
> Any building in the Judengasse,
> Hardy
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Edgar
> Hauster
> Sent: Friday, December 25, 2015 12:48 PM
> To: Czernowitz Discussion Group
> Cc: Mykola Kuschnir
> Subject: [Cz-L] Exciting News from the Jewish Museum Chernivtsi
> Czernowitzers, dear friends...
> At the end of this year I'd like to share with you "Exciting News from th=
> Jewish Museum Chernivtsi". From the local media and from the "News Room" =
> the Jewish Museum
> we learned that...
> ..."A Holocaust museum is planned in Chernivtsi. Plans were discussed in
> Kiev to create a new museum in Chernivtsi, a museum of the Holocaust in
> Bukovina, which is planned to be built in a historic building „Beit
> Kadishin“ in the Jewish cemetery. This building is also in need of
> renovation. The meeting in capital city was attended by Nikolay Kushnir,
> who is the director of the Chernivtsi Museum of Jewish History and Cultur=
> of Bukovina ; by the chairman of the Vaad of Ukraine Iosif Zissels, by th=
> archivist and historian of Chernivtsi Maria Nikirsa and by director of th=
> Center for Research of history and culture of East European Jewry NaUKMA
> Leonid Finberg. Attended also: educators, researchers, representatives o=
> public organizations and historians. The subject discussed was about
> priorities, questions were raised about the concept of the museum and the
> practical implementation of the idea. It is very interesting to point out
> that the creation of a Holocaust museum is being discussed for several
> years in Chernivtsi, but it requires the allocation of significant
> resources. The German Embassy in Ukraine proposed to donate a large enoug=
> amount of money for the restoration of the historic building."
> Inspired by this, I got in touch with our friends from the Jewish Museum =
> received the following excellent and detailed reply from Victoria Medvedk=
> "Yes, the information is correct. German government by the means of Germa=
> Embassy in Ukraine is going to donate the sum of 100.000 EUR for the
> creation of the Holocaust museum. This money is taken from a
> fund(programme), which serves to restore Jewish cemeteries in Europe. As =
> as you know, there have already been attempts to restore the building
> earlier, but they lacked funding. Some Austrian body(private) had estimat=
> that the restoration of Beit Kadishin would cost near 500.000 EUR.
> Afterwards, a Chernivtsi Architectural Bureau created a restoration proje=
> on the sum of approximately 9 millions UAH (which is about 330-350.000 EU=
> However, these attempts failed not only because of financial reasons, but
> also because of the fact that there hasn’t been any understanding of fu=
> function of the building. As far as the concept had been found, the
> situation changed. Moreover, there is a sponsor, who promised, that in ca=
> if one half of the project money is gathered, he will donate the second
> half. But there are some difficulties regarding the estimation, as it
> doesn’t take into consideration an arrangement of the museum itself and=
> further functioning. So, presently we are looking for those concerned, wh=
> would invest in the project. VAAD is so to say unofficial curator of the
> project, as far as there is no official body yet. The meeting in Kyiw was
> rather dedicated to the development of museaum’s concept and first step=
s on
> the way to it’s implementation, than to practical issues of building
> process, restoration or funding. It would be great if you could pass the
> information to others, who are interested in the issue! Maybe you also ha=
> some ideas or advice on the topic?"
> Of course, barriers still exist, but this shows real progress. Outstandin=
> perspectives for 2016, I guess. With this in mind, to all of you:
> H A P P Y N E W Y E A R!
> Edgar Hauster <MacBookAir>
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Received on 2015-12-25 08:25:23