Dear Edgar,
Thank you for sending us these very good news.
For those who are not sure which building is meant, it is the former
"Leichenhalle" at the entrance to the Jewish cemetery.
In my non-professional opinion, the restoration and alteration
Of this building into a museum would require $200 000
To $300 000. It would probably also need about $50 000 per year
To maintain and staff it.
Sent from my iPad
On Dec 25, 2015, at 8:29 AM, "Edgar Hauster" <> wrote:
> Czernowitzers, dear friends...
> At the end of this year I'd like to share with you "Exciting News from th=
e Jewish Museum Chernivtsi". From the local media and from the "News Room" =
of the Jewish Museum
> we learned that...
> ..."A Holocaust museum is planned in Chernivtsi. Plans were discussed in=
Kiev to create a new museum in Chernivtsi, a museum of the Holocaust in Bu=
kovina, which is planned to be built in a historic building „Beit Kadishi=
n“ in the Jewish cemetery. This building is also in need of renovation. T=
he meeting in capital city was attended by Nikolay Kushnir, who is the dir=
ector of the Chernivtsi Museum of Jewish History and Culture of Bukovina ; =
by the chairman of the Vaad of Ukraine Iosif Zissels, by the archivist and =
historian of Chernivtsi Maria Nikirsa and by director of the Center for Res=
earch of history and culture of East European Jewry NaUKMA Leonid Finberg. =
Attended also: educators, researchers, representatives of public organizat=
ions and historians. The subject discussed was about priorities, questions =
were raised about the concept of the museum and the practical implementatio=
n of the idea. It is very interesting to point out that the creation of a =
Holocaust museum is being discussed for several years in Chernivtsi, but it=
requires the allocation of significant resources. The German Embassy in U=
kraine proposed to donate a large enough amount of money for the restoratio=
n of the historic building."
> Inspired by this, I got in touch with our friends from the Jewish Museum =
and received the following excellent and detailed reply from Victoria Medve=
> "Yes, the information is correct. German government by the means of Germa=
n Embassy in Ukraine is going to donate the sum of 100.000 EUR for the crea=
tion of the Holocaust museum. This money is taken from a fund(programme), w=
hich serves to restore Jewish cemeteries in Europe. As far as you know, the=
re have already been attempts to restore the building earlier, but they lac=
ked funding. Some Austrian body(private) had estimated that the restoration=
of Beit Kadishin would cost near 500.000 EUR. Afterwards, a Chernivtsi Arc=
hitectural Bureau created a restoration project on the sum of approximately=
9 millions UAH (which is about 330-350.000 EUR). However, these attempts f=
ailed not only because of financial reasons, but also because of the fact t=
hat there hasn’t been any understanding of future function of the buildin=
g. As far as the concept had been found, the situation changed. Moreover, t=
here is a sponsor, who promised, that in case if one half of the project mo=
ney is gathered, he will donate the second half. But there are some difficu=
lties regarding the estimation, as it doesn’t take into consideration an =
arrangement of the museum itself and it’s further functioning. So, presen=
tly we are looking for those concerned, who would invest in the project. VA=
AD is so to say unofficial curator of the project, as far as there is no of=
ficial body yet. The meeting in Kyiw was rather dedicated to the developmen=
t of museaum’s concept and first steps on the way to it’s implementatio=
n, than to practical issues of building process, restoration or funding. It=
would be great if you could pass the information to others, who are intere=
sted in the issue! Maybe you also have some ideas or advice on the topic?"
> Of course, barriers still exist, but this shows real progress. Outstandin=
g perspectives for 2016, I guess. With this in mind, to all of you:
> H A P P Y N E W Y E A R!
> Edgar Hauster <MacBookAir>
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Received on 2015-12-25 08:28:09