Hi Cornel and Manny,
, I remember the pharmacy Greif was in the Hauptstrasse had 2 big
sculptures on both sides the entrance.The IPA, Jewish plottke agency was
whispering that the Greif family escaped before June 1940 to Australia. As
ornel said, they were in Australia and I remembeer that Ms. Greif was a g
leather /gloves/maker in Czernowitz.so the puzzle is rez9olved
Best regards
-----Original Message-----
From: cornel fleming
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2015 12:46 AM
To: 'Emmanuel Landau' ; 'Taylor, Miriam R' ; Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] My Parents
And there were Greifs in Sydney...had leather shop in Double Bay. Cornel.
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-120012401-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu
[mailto:bounce-120012401-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Emmanuel
Sent: Friday, December 25, 2015 9:06 PM
To: Taylor, Miriam R; Czernowitz-L_at_Cornell.edu
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] My Parents
Hi Miriam, my grandmother's Greifs had an estate in St. Putila, with
Ukrainian tenant farmers. In the "Geschichte DER Juden in DER Bukovina" Ed.
Hugo Gold, it was mentioned that among the Jews deported by the Russians was
one Zionist, Dr. Joachim Greif. I have a vague memory of having been there
once. These Greifs could certainly have had Czernowitzer relatives.
Thanks for your message, Manny Landau
Sent from my iPad
> On Dec 25, 2015, at 10:00 AM, Taylor, Miriam R <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
> Hello Manny,
> Since your mother's maiden name was Greif, I would like to draw your
> attention To the fact that I knew a Norman Greif in NY in the late
> I also remember that my mother told me she knew a Greif family in
> Mimi
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