[Plain Text please . . . next time]
May be a bit macabre but certainly not a joke.
If you already cite Cz. sayings let me remind you of this one:
F=C3=BCr das gewesene gibt (zahlt) ein Jud garnichts.
For our english speakers: A Jew does not pay for past (services).
And we too can't expect too much for "Jewish comercial and cultural
of the town" that happened some 2 to 3 generations ago.
Besides, if the museum extends somewhere in the center of the town, the
deplorable state of the Leichenhalle
will not change at all. Is it probable that somebody undertakes two such
projects at the same time?
Zwar aus dem Auge, aber noch lange nicht aus unsrem Sinn.
[Berti Glaubach]
On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 11:59 PM, Fred Weisinger <fredweisinger16_at_gmail.com=
> Aus dem Augen aus dem Sinn
> widmet das Geld wo anders hin.
> ( Out of sight out of mind
> devote the money to another kind)
> The idea to create a Museum devoted to the Jews odf Czernowitz,
> on the outskirts of Czernowitz is but a macabre Joke (ein Witz).
> Jews who gave Czernowitz a unique position ,contributing comercial,
> cultural enrichment have their memorial relegated to the Jewish
> cemetery for burial.
> Why can't the city devote part of the Jewish House as a Museum or
> return the Temple
> to the Jewish community to be dedicate to memory.
> Fred. Weisinger
> On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 10:17 PM, <baruch_at_eylonconsulting.com> wrote:
> > Edgar - THANK YOU, dear all,
> >
> > These are indeed exciting good news.
> > To make it more exciting - it's my understanding that the German
> government
> > has already agreed to grant 100,000 Euros to restore the funerals
> building
> > (=D7=91=D7=99=D7=AA =D7=94=D7=9C=D7=95=D7=95=D7=99=D7=95=D7=AA).
> >
> > I've read the various comments, about the location and about having to
> ask
> > for survivors opinions.
> >
> > In my humble opinion, the challenge to design and build it is big enoug=
> > even w/o asking for feedback and opinions.
> > Let's not forget that 2 Jews have at least 3 opinions... especially
> > Czernowitzers...
> > It will be nice if they'll keep us informed. To ask for opinions (and
> > probably expect to listen to them) would be an unnecessary additional
> > effort.
> >
> > Happy and HEALTHY 2016
> > Baruch Eylon
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Received on 2015-12-28 06:40:37