I just joined the group and this is my first post. I'm seeking information on this Rabbi MARK, Chief Rabbi of Czernowitz and Bukowina, specifically his ancestry and how he is related to Rabbi Ephraim ROSEN of Jagielnica. I know he was born in what is now Ustechko, Ukraine which is in between Jagielnica and Horodenka. According to this site (
https://winners-auctions.com/en/node/13757) he was Rabbi Ephraim's grandson; that may be true, but he could not have studied with him as R' Rosen died in 1853. According to this Yad Vashem Page of Testimony that R' Mark's wife Perla submitted (
http://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1990834&ind=4), it appears that his parents were Moshe Yehuda ROSEN and Chaya Ite MARK. As you may be aware, it happened regularly in Galicia that children would have the mother's surname if the parents did not have a civil marriage. Can anyone confirm how this Moshe Yehuda was descended from Rabbi Ephraim?
Any other information on his close and extended family would be appreciated, as well as references to sources for further research.
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
Aaron Slotnik
Chicago, IL
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