The Czernowitz-L Archive by author
- Aaron Slotnik
- alexander rosner
- Alfred Schneider
- alisa lottati
- Alti Rodal
- Amy Colin
- Anita Brush
- Arthur von Czernowitz
- Asher Turtel
- Avi Raanan
- Benjamin Grilj
- Berti Glaubach
- Bianca Rosenthal
- Bruce Reisch
- carlos hecker
- Christian Herrmann
- Cora
- cornel fleming
- Dad
- Dana Dimitriu
- Daniel Horowitz
- Deborah Tremblay
- Dietmar Friesenegger
- dow friedman
- E. & G. Weissmann
- Edgar Hauster
- [Cz-L] Jewish Refugees in Shanghai (1938-1947) (2018-10-09 05:02:27)
- [Cz-L] Book of the Month, October 2018: The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in Word and Picture (2018-10-29 22:02:43)
- Re: [Cz-L] Is this a delayed marriage record? (2018-11-05 07:37:07)
- [Cz-L] Book of the Month, November 2018: Bukovina (2018-11-13 01:56:43)
- [Cz-L] The Future of Memory - My Illusions (2018-11-19 06:13:50)
- [Cz-L] Assistance for Historical/Genealogical Researches in Bukovina, Galicia and Volhynia (2018-11-20 00:38:54)
- Re: [Cz-L] Vanished World 2019 Calendar For Free Download (2018-11-23 03:18:34)
- [Cz-L] The Future of Memory (2018-11-27 02:35:14)
- [Cz-L] An Indirect Approach to Norman Manea and his Oeuvre (2018-11-30 00:56:53)
- [Cz-L] Book Release: A Short History of the Jews from Radautz (2018-12-07 04:10:01)
- [Cz-L] Book of the Month, December 2018: Athene Palace Bucharest - Hitler's 'New Order' Comes to Rumania (2018-12-27 06:54:39)
- [Cz-L] Romania's Revolution, Then And Now (2018-12-28 00:48:19)
- [Cz-L] The History of Bukovina after the Visual Turn - Call of Papers (2018-12-31 05:18:57)
- [Cz-L] New Release: "Lots of Mishmash Came Along": The 1940 Resettlements from the Bukovina (2018-12-31 06:00:47)
- [Cz-L] Edgar Hilsenrath Passed Away (2018-12-31 06:28:35)
- Re: [Cz-L] Edgar Hilsenrath Passed Away (2018-12-31 10:08:51)
- [Cz-L] Which is more important, the sun or the moon?... (Chelm, 1675 km) (2018-08-09 06:56:50)
- Re: [Cz-L] PERHAPS YOU HAVE INFORMATION (2018-08-23 10:19:33)
- [Cz-L] When in Rome, do as the Romans do (Trabzon, 4278 km) (2018-08-23 13:24:31)
- [Cz-L] A Taste of Switzerland in Anatolia (Safranbolu, 5203 km) (2018-08-26 13:29:48)
- [Cz-L] How Do I Travel the World - Part 1 (Istanbul, 5649 km) (2018-08-29 12:30:07)
- [Cz-L] How Do I Travel the World - Part 2 (Istanbul, 5712 km) (2018-09-01 13:12:20)
- [Cz-L] Welcome Home, Our Old Neighbors! (Edirne, 5968 km) (2018-09-03 07:56:02)
- Re: [Cz-L] czernowitz-l digest: September 03, 2018 (2018-09-04 08:50:33)
- [Cz-L] If you don't have anything to do,... (Bucharest, 6396 km) (2018-09-05 00:32:45)
- [Cz-L] Annus Mirabilis in Suceava (Suceava, 6842 km) (2018-09-07 08:36:06)
- [Cz-L] Meeting Friends & News from Czernowitz (Czernowitz, 6936 km) (2018-09-11 04:49:50)
- [Cz-L] Sunday Rest in Satu Mare (7345 km) (2018-09-12 10:19:27)
- [Cz-L] Blurred Borders (Vienna, 7924 km) (2018-09-14 04:58:28)
- Re: [Cz-L] Blurred Borders (Vienna, 7924 km) (2018-09-14 08:12:05)
- Re: [Cz-L] ARCHIVES IN CZERNOWITZ (2018-09-14 09:21:08)
- [Cz-L] Photo Finish and Balance Sheet in Rheinberg (9,115 km) (2018-09-15 08:17:24)
- Re: [Cz-L] Photo Finish and Balance Sheet in Rheinberg (9,115 km) (2018-09-17 03:08:02)
- [Cz-L] Life After the Shoah (2018-09-23 00:57:39)
- [Cz-L] The Maggs Mazzoni Archives - Italian and Foreign Jews Interned in the Province of Pesaro 1940-1944 (2018-09-23 03:21:07)
- [Cz-L] In Fading Light by Christian Herrmann (2018-09-23 04:34:21)
- Re: [Cz-L] Question regarding surname change (2018-09-24 00:34:52)
- [Cz-L] Book of the Month, September 2018: Excursion Guidebook Lemberg and Czernowitz (2018-09-30 01:28:18)
- [Cz-L] Book of the Month, April 2018: AGORA International Collection of Art and Literature (2018-04-28 10:09:47)
- [Cz-L] RIP Noah Kofmansky, Chief Rabbi of the Chernivtsi Region (2018-05-28 01:40:21)
- [Cz-L] Re: Viewmate Translation Request - German (2018-05-29 00:49:33)
- Re: [Cz-L] RIP Noah Kofmansky, Chief Rabbi of the Chernivtsi Region (2018-05-29 02:46:46)
- [Cz-L] Book of the Month, May 2018: The Autobiography of Dr. Emanuel Merdinger (2018-05-31 02:55:14)
- [Cz-L] Open Letter by Professor Andrei Corbea-Hoisie (2018-06-02 22:21:57)
- Re: [Cz-L] Translation of Gold's Geschichte (2018-06-06 23:23:56)
- [Cz-L] NEW: Digital Topography of Multicultural Bukovina (2018-06-12 01:05:44)
- [Cz-L] Czernowitzer Tagblatt 1903 - 1919 is ONLINE! (2018-06-14 01:43:41)
- [Cz-L] An Obituary on "Die Stimme" by Mirjam Bercovici (2018-06-15 00:20:27)
- [Cz-L] Book of the Month, June 2018: Vestnik - Herald of the Eliezer Steinbarg Society of Jewish Culture in Chernivtsi (2018-06-27 10:51:18)
- Re: [Cz-L] Book of the Month, June 2018: Vestnik - Herald of the Eliezer Steinbarg Society of Jewish Culture in Chernivtsi (2018-06-27 15:44:09)
- [Cz-L] Book of the Month, July 2018: Report of the "Soviet Extraordinary Commission" for Czernowitz (2018-07-10 03:25:15)
- [Cz-L] Re: Hakoah Czernowitz (2018-07-11 00:47:46)
- Re: [Cz-L] Local guide (2018-07-17 22:26:51)
- [Cz-L] �Jewish Life in Radautz Before, During and After the Holocaust� Cont'd! (2018-07-18 02:13:49)
- Re: [Cz-L] Re: Jewish Life in Radautz Before, During and After the Holocaust Contd! (2018-07-20 02:08:17)
- [Cz-L] Book of the Month, August 2018: Lost Childhood - Photo Exhibition (2018-07-31 23:43:00)
- [Cz-L] Surprise discoveries in Kotzman (Cotmani, Kitsman), Bukowina region Jewish records - MUNSTER and many others. (2018-08-01 00:03:01)
- [Cz-L] A Tree Top and Time Travel Path and more Mysteries in History (2018-08-06 01:00:43)
- [Cz-L] From Berlin to Praga (2018-08-08 08:51:03)
- [Cz-L] Anatoli Skatchkov, a Film Maker from Czernowitz (2018-02-16 02:01:46)
- [Cz-L] Book(s) of the Month, February 2018: Bukovinian German / The German Idiom of Czernowitz (2018-02-26 07:38:33)
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz Art Album by Tetyana Dugaeva and Sergij Osatschuk (2018-02-28 00:26:39)
- [Cz-L] Book of the Month, March 2018: Jewish Almanac for Greater Romania for the Year 5683 (1922-23) (2018-03-21 08:37:11)
- [Cz-L] Laughter in the Face of Oncoming Death (2018-03-25 00:18:15)
- [Cz-L] Greetings from Bukovina, a German (ZDF) Documentary from the Year 1995 (2018-03-25 00:52:57)
- [Cz-L] The Art and Writing of Arnold Daghani: Documenting a Neglected Aspect of the Holocaust (2018-03-25 01:18:58)
- Re: [Cz-L] In need of help re finding 1898 Czernowitz house location (2018-04-05 02:08:27)
- [Cz-L] Rose Auslaender (2018-01-04 06:46:21)
- Re: [Cz-L] Did Austro-Hungarian Jews buy their surnames? (2018-01-11 00:24:28)
- [Cz-L] Book of the Month, January 2018: "Californian" Colonists versus Local Profiteers? (2018-01-14 02:53:14)
- Fwd: looking for information/Cernăuţi (2018-01-17 06:06:12)
- [Cz-L] See You in Czernowitz in September!? (2018-01-19 01:12:53)
- [Cz-L] An Accidental Find from the Year 1942 (2018-01-19 06:54:14)
- [Cz-L] Romania and the Holocaust at OURPASSPORTS.COM (2018-01-22 01:00:17)
- [Cz-L] The Czernowitz Illustrated & Interactive Street Name Translator (2018-01-26 02:11:55)
- [Cz-L] Interview with Hans Liebhardt (1934-2017) (2018-01-31 00:47:05)
- [Cz-L] Ghetto List by ZRBG (German Social Security Ghetto Pension) (2018-02-01 05:10:40)
- Re: [Cz-L] From Ruth Gold - Emanuel Hacken's 'Das Czernowitzer Deutsch' (2018-02-03 03:08:29)
- Emil Rennert
- Eric H. Jung
- eshet yosef
- Evy Picker
- Family Iwaniski
- Floeb28
- Fred Weisinger
- Gabriel Rinzler
- Harold Nissen
- Ian Beitel
- Ilana Grallert
- Ilana Halpern
- Ina Lancman
- iosif vaisman
- Irene Fishler
- Iris AlRoy
- Irving Osterer
- Irwin Abrams
- Jane Reifer
- Jay Frank
- Jeff_berk
- jerome schatten
- Jill Rothwell
- Jim Wald
- Joe Poras
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- Jordan S. Bernhard
- Jorge Gubitsch
- Julian Rubin
- K Charles Real Estate
- Karen Silverstein
- ksilvers
- Lesli Ross
- Lisa Cohn
- Madeleine Kahn
- Marilyn Gelber
- Marilyn Hayes
- Marion Tauschwitz
- Mark London
- Mark Wiznitzer
- Matt Friedman
- Maurice Linker
- Merle Kastner
- Miriam Taylor
- Myra Waddell
- Neil Kap
- Oded Blaustein
- Ossi Horovitz
- P.Hubscher
- Papress Srl
- Paul Heger
- Paula Gris
- Peggy Walt
- Phil
- Philip Moses
- Primavera Gruber
- Raul Artal
- Rick Held
- Robert Burton
- Ruth
- Saba Isio
- Sally Bendersky
- Saraf, Oren
- Sarah Gabriele Schrimpf
- Sarah Schrimpf
- Schimmer Corinne Anouk
- Shelley
- Shula 2
- Sniderlh
- Stephen Winters
- Sylvia de Swaan
- Sylvie Gsell
- teller
- theresa
- Tobias A. Kemper
- Winters, Stephen
- wolfgang schaechter
- Yefim Kogan
- Yohanan
- לאה הבר גדליה