In the case of my family, where the marriages were considered
illegitimate (meaning the were married religiously, but not civilly, the
names used seemed to be combined as in "Richter-Rennert".
Lois Jolson
(Hi Shellie!)
On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 01:48 PM, Benjamin Grilj wrote:
> Dear Yosef,
> not in general. It depends on the jewish community: when they married
> at a member community of the IKG (Israelitische Kultusgemeinde) the
> marriage was fully accepted and legal, so the surname of the husband
> became the family-name. Most of the Hasidic communities were no
> members, and so - for legal reason - the marriage was not official:
> the bride stayed with her maiden-namen, the kids were counted as "born
> unmarried“ and had the surname of the mother. Sometimes the names got
> mixed up: birth-register with the maiden-name of the mother, marriage
> with the surname of the father and death-register with a double name.
> Best, Benjamin
> PS. one of the Friedmann rabbis from Sadagora married in Vienna at the
> age of 80 - to legalize it. This service/marriage did not take place
> at the Synagogue, but in the viennese rabbis office.
>> Am 16.01.2018 um 19:05 schrieb eshet yosef :
>> As the austro-hungarian authorities did not acknowledge the Jewish
>> religious marriages the children got their mother's family name. All
>> the descendants of my maternal great grandfather Jacob Nakhumowsky
>> carried the family name of his wife Beile Ruhm. The story with my
>> paternal great grandparents was a bit different their descendants
>> kept the family name of my paternal great grandfather Meir Hersh Wolf
>> but with a remark "unehlich" which means "not by marriage"
>> Yosef Eshet
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