As the austro-hungarian authorities did not acknowledge the Jewish religious marriages the children got their mother's family name. All the descendants of my maternal great grandfather Jacob Nakhumowsky carried the family name of his wife Beile Ruhm. The story with my paternal great grandparents was a bit different their descendants kept the family name of my paternal great grandfather Meir Hersh Wolf but with a remark "unehlich" which means "not by marriage"
Yosef Eshet
-----הודעה מקורית-----
מאת: [] בשם Shellie Wiener
נשלח: יום ג 16 ינואר 2018 07:52
אל: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <>
עותק: Jay Frank <>
נושא: Re: On adopting the RUGENDORF surname
Hi, Jay,
Many of our ancestors had Jewish marriages which were not recognized by the Austo-Hungarian Government. This is where we see names in the data from the JRI-Poland records with surnames like SCHWARTZ r. BLECHER or WINDWEHER f. HILSENRAT when a birth, marriage or death was registered. When someone was emigrating to another country, their papers from the gov't would show the surname as that of the mother, i.e. illegitimate child. Once in the United States and being known by their true family name, when applying for citizenship these individuals would include that name as well as the name under which they arrived in this country. This was not uncommon.
RUGENDORF is probably another family name in your tree from the mother's side. Or possibly to avoid conscription in a family with several sons, it was the surname of a neighbor [but I think this less likely.]
Why Leon to Morris for the given name? Many Jews had double names but were called by the second. My father-in-law, always called Morty, was actually Solomon Mortimer. My great-grandfather, Yoel Shlame, was called Julius in business but Shlame by the family. My grandfather Louis was actually Hersch Leib [Tzvi Ariyeh.] Maybe this was the case with your ancestor. Or maybe someone gave him a nickname of Morris and it stuck?
Best regards,
Shellie Wiener
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