Re: [Cz-L] Did Austro-Hungarian Jews buy their surnames?

From: teller <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2018 09:13:01 +0100
Reply-To: teller <>
To: carlos hecker <>, "" <>


about the names

may ask two questions ?

1) i am Teller (my family was from bukovina), has someone an idea of the
meaning (?) of this nem ? I saw once that it could be a barber (because
of "plate") , i also saw something with clothes  ( toile in french) ?

one remark: according to google teller are numerous in usa, according to
the phone list , htey are more then seldom in france.

2) my wife is Naigeboren , new born, ok, but in what meaning ? is it
somebody who moved ? who turned to jew ? who escaped from death ?

thanks for your help

Patrick Teller

Le 13/01/2018 à 15:36, carlos hecker a écrit :
> --_000_BLUPR14MB0433C03118330E8BF96D8F55DD140BLUPR14MB0433namp_
> After the takeover of the Bukovina in 1775 the Austro-Hungarian swiftly wen=
> t about the business of Germanizing everything and everyone. The necessity =
> to populate the territory caused it to be opened to the Galizianer Jews. Th=
> ey were given incentives to come and not have certain obligations ( militar=
> y and taxes ) Imagine the
> third rank clerk trying to register the Saioivich family. Names were German=
> ized for the sake of the administration records. The Rumanians went about l=
> ikewise with fierce determination. You could not have a municipal job if we=
> re not fluent. It was forbidden to speak anything in public that was not Ru=
> manian. Imagine the spelling nightmare with the names.This was repeated wit=
> h venom by the Ukranians. But no one master the ethnic cleansing like the R=
> ussians. Ohhhh the Russians really cleansed. The natives were sent to Siber=
> ia and a new Russian population came in.
> Estonia became 60 % Russian. That is why Estonia has taken to steps to homo=
> genized the country and tie it into a gigantic Web. We are so lucky.
> [Carlos Hecker]
> ________________________________
> From: <bounce-122191557-13437837=
>> on behalf of Miriam Taylor <>
> Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 4:19 PM
> To: Irene Fishler
> Cc: jerome schatten; Czernowitz Discussion Group
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Did Austro-Hungarian Jews buy their surnames?
> Even though late, I would like to join the discussion about Jewish names.
> >From what I have read, it seems that Ashkenazi Jewish names
> Have many origins; some are based on Hebrew words such as:
> Sapir, Sofer, Melamed, Lapides, Kohen, Kohn, Kogan, Levi, Jidel, Katz and
> Schapira. Others are based on city or country of origin, such as: Brodi,
> Katzenelbogen, Landau, Reiner, Deutsch, Englander, Oppenheimer,
> Frankfurter and Czernowitzer. Some are based on profession or merchandise
> The family sold, such as: Schuster, Schneider, Koch, Schmidt, Reifer, Kushn=
> ir,
> Gew=FCrzt, Mandel, Zucker, Samet, Fischman, Mehlman, Tischler, Brotman, Sin=
> ger,
> Kantor, Fruchter, Kimmelman, Fleischer, Fuhrmann, Steinmetz, Diamant, etc.
> It is entirely possible that some Jews had to bribe officials in order to g=
> et
> Particularly nice names such as: Rosenblum, Rosenblat, and Blum.
> Some officials, either because they were not offered a bribe, or because th=
> ey
> Disliked Jews, gave out names such as Ohrenstein (earwax), Igel (hedgehog),
> K=F6nig (king), F=FCrst, Wiseltier and Stuhlsaft.
> Sometimes Jewish people asked to be given names with which they were famili=
> ar
> Because they were the names of well known or important Jews.
> This may be the reason for the frequency of some names.
> =
> Mimi
Patrick Teller
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