Re: [Cz-L] Czernowitz 1920s - 1940s -- Academy of Fine Arts Munich -- student project

From: Sarah Gabriele Schrimpf <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 19:38:03 +0100
To: Benjamin Grilj <>
Reply-To: Sarah Gabriele Schrimpf <>


Hi Benjamin,=20

Wow, this is great. I have just started. Let=E2=80=99s see if I can stop =
- probably not. ;-) This was a great help.=20

And if anyone has met, knows, is related to Selma=E2=80=99s friends =
Renee Abramowicz or Else Sch=C3=A4chter - I would be so happy to get to =
know more about them and how they were like. I read a part of Else=E2=80=99=
s poems during the last weeks. It was great.=20

Thank you again, Benjamin for the help with the photos! I hope I will be =
successful in my research and find the house in Dr. Fechnergasse 14.=20
Best, Sarah=20

> Am 09.01.2018 um 19:14 schrieb Benjamin Grilj =
> Hi Sarah,
> the probably biggest platform with fotos of Czernowitz is Gruss aus =
Czernowitz =
> But beware - once started it=E2=80=99s hard to stop.
> Best, Benjamin
> PS: Hardy, I truly miss you and your spotlights on and off Czernowitz
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