PS in speaking with my mother-in-law this week in Israel, she confirmed =
that Davide wasn=E2=80=99t deported. He was running away with his =
father, who got ill and they were separated. Then he was put in an =
orphanage and then sent to something she called the FSO to learn a =
trade. It was my mother-in-law who was deported to Siberia, but then as =
Poles they were released and she went to Tashkent. That=E2=80=99s where =
she met David, in a factory where they were working, making parts for =
airplanes in the Urals (Barasnike - not sure of spelling). Apparently =
they wanted to separate my mother-in-law from her mother, but =
Grandmother Ida went on a hunger strike until her daughter was allowed =
to go with her. More family history being learned all the time! =20
Thanks, Peggy
Peggy Walt, Owner/President
Cultural Affairs Consulting & Promotion
1240 Edward Street Halifax NS B3H 3H4
(902) 422-5403 office (902) 476-1096 cell
ECMA nominee 2018 Manager of the Year
> On Apr 13, 2018, at 8:54 AM, Peggy Walt <peggy_at_culturalaffairs.ca> =
> Thanks, my father-in-law ended up in Siberia. Then I think Tashkent. =
He said he was =E2=80=9Crunning away,=E2=80=9D so sounds like he was in =
the latter category. Peggy
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 13, 2018, at 8:43 AM, eshet yosef <eshet1_at_netvision.net.il> =
>> -----=D7=94=D7=95=D7=93=D7=A2=D7=94 =D7=9E=D7=A7=D7=95=D7=A8=D7=99=D7=AA=
>> =D7=9E=D7=90=D7=AA: eshet yosef <eshet1_at_netvision.net.il>=20
>> =D7=A0=D7=A9=D7=9C=D7=97: =D7=99=D7=95=D7=9D =D7=90 08 =D7=90=D7=A4=D7=A8=
=D7=99=D7=9C 2018 20:49
>> =D7=90=D7=9C: 'Irene Fishler'=E2=80=8F <irenef_at_netvision.net.il>; =
'Peggy Walt'=E2=80=8F
>> <peggy_at_culturalaffairs.ca>; 'Benjamin Grilj'=E2=80=8F =
>> =D7=A2=D7=95=D7=AA=D7=A7: 'Sarah Gabriele Schrimpf'=E2=80=8F =
>> 'czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu'=E2=80=8F <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
>> =D7=A0=D7=95=D7=A9=D7=90: RE: [Cz-L] Czernowitz 1920s - 1940s -- =
Academy of Fine Arts Munich --
>> student project
>> Hi
>> Indeed there were two categories of people that moved (or were moved)
>> eastward during the first occupation period by the Soviets of =
>> Bucovina:
>> 1. People who were defined under paragraph 39 as enemies of the =
revolution -
>> who were deported to Siberia (my family escaped this by moving from
>> Novoselitsa to Czernovitz) 2. People who joined the retreating =
>> (driven by the news about the fate of Jews under the Nazis) and =
ended up
>> mainly in the Central Asia Soviet Republics.
>> Yosef Eshet
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Received on 2018-04-17 11:58:50