I have many Czernowitzer notables in my family. Other notables include my father’s parents and my mother’s fathers. Berthold Budabin was the last representative of the Hapsburg Royal Court to the Province of Bukovina. He died in Toronto in 1952. His wife,Mina, was a weaver a partner in Lermer Brothers and Budabin. She died in Toronto in 1971. Noa Lehr was a manufacturer of soaps and a tanner of hides. He donated the money for the Jewish Hospital. He died in 1937. My mother’s mother’s husband Max was a rancher who owned a huge estate, and supplied hides to Noa. He died on Cyprus in 1943. Both sets of grandparents escaped on the Vitorul to Constantinople and then to Cyprus on their way to Palestine. Berthold and Mina flew to Beirut and then to Lydda in 1943. They came to Canada in 195O. Berthold was a pre-insulin diabetic. He broke his hip and died in hospital. Regina (Rachel), Max’s wife did not fly to Palestine, but did reach it and join her other daughter there. She made it to Toronto about the same time. Her other daughter and husband and 2 children followed soon after.
My father Frederick and his wife arrived in Canada on August 27 1939, one week before the war broke out. They were entrepreneur immigrants, 2 of the “700”.
As well, my mother’s brother Edward, who became a doctor at the Sorbonne, and whose French wife was the custodian of the seal of the Free French Government in Exile in Occupied France and who together escaped to the Allied lines by zig-zagging across a bridge under Nazi fire , came to Canada/ Toronto in 1951 or so. He died in Toronto in 1973. His widow, lily, returned to France and died about 10 years later.
My father was friends here with Paul Ivanier who became a very prosperous nail manufacturer in Montreal. There are many other Budabin, Schuurtman (Mina), Lehr and Kula family members who became successful and are worthy of note.
Robert Burton
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> On Feb 19, 2018, at 12:30 PM, cornel fleming <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net> wrote:
> AND a lady named HEDWIG!!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bounce-122302484-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu [mailto:bounce-122302484-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Marion Tauschwitz
> Sent: 19 February 2018 13:18
> To: cluttercontrol_at_earthlink.net; czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu
> Subject: Aw: RE: RE: [Cz-L] Notable Czernowitzers
> dear all,
> should Edith Silbermann added to the list?
> https://www.rimbaud.de/silbermann.html
> and maybe Ilana Shmueli?
> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilana_Shmueli
> and maybe Margit Bartfeld-Feller, too?
> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margit_Bartfeld-Feller
> kind regards,
> Marion
> www.marion-tauschwitz.de
> Sitzbuchweg 43
> 69118 Heidelberg
> 0049 6221/80 54 37
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