dear Sarah, dear Cernowitzer,
on working on my Selma-Biografie I exchanged letters with Eytan Fishman, Vietnam, whose mother Pearl was married to Mordercai Fishman, one of the brothers of Leiser Fichman's father Hersch/Hirsch/Zvi, who lived in Dr. Fechnergasse/later:Strada Odabescu where they had moved to in 1923 only.
Hersch Fichman did very well - he was the main supplier to an oil factory which was owned by a Jew.
Hersch was married to Poyre who was from Hotin and had sisters in Israel.
Leiser was on board the Mefkure, one of the three Turkish steemers (Mefkure, Bulbol, Morina) who tried to take passengers from Konstantinopel to Bosporus.
The Mefkure was raked with fire and sank on the 5th of August 1944 between 1.35 and 1.45 a.m. Five passengers survived: two Polish men Joseph Axelrad (33) and Joseph Bank §(9, young Romanian Hilda Wurmbrand (23)and the couple Ladislaus Fülöp (22) and Wera Fülöp (18) and pregnant.
The captain and his crew left the steemer first - without helping the passengers on the sinking boat.
These facts (and many more details) are given in the historic research: "Die Versenkung der jüdischen Flüchtlingstransporter Struma and Mefkure im Schwarzen Meer. Bernard &Graefe Verlag für Wehrwesen, Frankfurt, 1964".
So Leiser did not die on 29th August (as written in the document of Yad Vashem) - but on 5th August.
Male members of Selma's Hashomer Hazair: Yuda Wasser, Abraham Gimpelmann (who was deported to Siberia in 1940)by the Sowjets.
Kind regards,
Sitzbuchweg 43
69118 Heidelberg
0049 6221/80 54 37
Gesendet: Sonntag, 27. Mai 2018 um 14:35 Uhr
Von: "Sarah Schrimpf" <>
An: "Czernowitz Discussion Group" <>
Betreff: [Cz-L] Eliezer/Leiser Fichman - Friends? - Haschomer Hatzair Members here?
[Please note: attached files can not be sent via list e-mails. Moderator Bruce]
> Dear Czernowitzers,
> it is Sarah with her project about Selma Meerbaum again.=20
> An idea just came to my mind, I had not thought of before as I also =
want to find out more about Leiser (Eliezer) Fichman, Selma=E2=80=99s =
> There is the family of course, but probably, there are also some =
friends who might remember him?=20
> Maybe there is a slight chance that someone in this group thinks =
=E2=80=9EOh, sure, I know him. I was in class with him."
> =20
> Also, I am looking for someone who was a member of the Haschomer =
Hatzair Group in Czernowitz (1930s) like Lejser and who would like to =
tell me a bit of his/her experiences.=20
> Please, get in touch with me via this e-mail: = =
> This is what I have as an information about Leiser:=20
> - Leiser, Lejser, Eliezer Fihman / Fichman (there are different =
spellings in the documents I found)
> - born 3rd of March 1923 in Czernowitz
> - died 29th of August 1944 on the Mefkure ship in the Black Sea
> - photo =E2=80=94> red circle
> =
> Also, if someone knows where I can find the original of this group =
photograph below - please, let me know.=20
> green circle - Else Sch=C3=A4chter
> blue circle - Selma Merbaum
> yellow circle - Ren=C3=A9e Abramovici
> Thank you so much to everyone!=20
> All the best, Sarah=20
Link to the picture: =
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