From: Raul Artal <>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2018 19:27:34 +0000
To: "" <>, Lesli Ross <>, Arthur von Czernowitz <>, Edgar Hauster <>
Reply-To: Raul Artal <>

Totally agree,

 Attempted with Maya to obtain, with NO success, family and my own documents at the Czernowitz Archives , at the Music Academy and also at the Czernowitz University. In addition, in Storojinetz (my father's family owned a cement,lumber and construction company) and Hotin (my grandfather- Israel (Srul) Ghitzis was a pharmacist owned a pharmacy and was the town's mayor...-murdered on the death-march to Mogilev) and
also in Bershad-Transnistria where I was born.
NO RECORDS ANYWHERE...( my parents: Roza Ghitzis- Mittelmark and Herman (Hans)-Mittelmark and I, Raul Artal-Mittelmark).
  My assessment: the inability to locate any documents is a result of the change in authorities: from Austrian, Rumanian, (Germans) to Soviets and again now. We were told by friends that the Soviets systematically destroyed or concealed documents. It appears that additional reasons are neglect, lack of funding,and may be also an attempt to preclude any claim to property....
 If you ever come across any information we should share it.


From: <bounce-122889069-76102922=> on behalf of Edgar Hauster <>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:21:08 AM
To:; Lesli Ross; Arthur von Czernowitz

Dear Lesli, dear all,

Based on my intense talks with Dragos Olaru during my Czernowitz stay last =
week, I'm afraid to let you know that the accessibility to the Czernowitz R=
egional Archives worsened tremendously over the last few weeks/months. The =
former director Dmytro Zhmundulyak was dismissed and is currently under cri=
minal investigations due to serious corruption allegations. Therefore the c=
urrently appointed director - a non-specialist - acts more than cautious, t=
o put it charitably. He puts temporarily each and any request from abroad o=
n the shelf and doesn't take any decision without the consent of the securi=
ty service.

Sorry for not having better news, but it might be more effective for the ti=
me being to conduct a research via FamilySearch.

Edgar Hauster
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