RE: [Cz-L] Book Release: A Short History of the Jews from Radautz

From: Merle Kastner <>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 07:58:12 -0500
To: "'Bruce Reisch'" <>, "'Edgar Hauster'" <>, "'CZERNOWITZ-L'" <>
Reply-To: "Merle Kastner" <>

Dear Edgar,
I join Bruce in thanking you for this book.
Very best wishes, always,

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bruce
Sent: December-07-18 7:51 AM
To: Edgar Hauster; CZERNOWITZ-L
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Book Release: A Short History of the Jews from Radautz

Edgar, Thank you so much. This is such excellent information and I look
forward to gleaning what I can. Warmest wishes,

?On 12/7/18, 7:12, " on behalf of
Edgar Hauster" < on behalf of> wrote:

    ...or rather Radautzers: Please let me draw your special attention to
the release of Daniel Hrenciuc's new book "O scurta istorie a evreilor din
Radauti" [A Short History of the Jews from Radautz]:
    The Romanian historian Daniel Hrenciuc is focused on the history of the
Jews in Bukovina and we reported as early as 2013 on his book "Dilemele
convietuirii: Evreii in Bucovina (1774-1939)" [The Dilemmas of Cohabitation:
The Jews in Bukovina (1774-1939)]:
    Daniel Hrenciuc's article "Czernowitz: The Jerusalem of Bukovina" in
English language is an "appetizer" for all those, who are challenged by
    Enjoy the reading!
    Edgar Hauster

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