Re: [Cz-L] Book of the Month, April 2019: Bucharest Uncovered

From: Dana Radler <>
Date: Sun, 5 May 2019 17:57:30 +0300
To: Edgar Hauster <>
Reply-To: Dana Radler <>


Dear all,

I did enjoy the album, most of the photos were unfamiliar, only I few I
remembered from other books. However, I'd like to say that, although I am
not 100% sure, it appears to me that the author of the narrative is Radu
Anton Roman, the style of the language indicates a well-read writer,
familiar with fabrics/food/merchandise from the late 19th to the early 20th
century. Some of the words are however rather inappropriate for a
documented representation of Bucharest [the author attempts to fabricate
rather than render an authentic image, certain wording dismissive if not
vulgar, but that may be a mere question of taste; most do seem correctly
used, though I came across words I need to look up in some specialised

In terms of the origin of most of these pictures, there's a link which
reveals the photographer: Nicolae Ionescu

The article presents images captured in the volume Nicolae IONESCU
Bucurestiul de altadata [Bucharest once upon a time], Introduction /
Prefata by Emanuel B=C4=83descu =C8=99i Iulian Voicu, Editura Alcor Edimpex=
Bucuresti, 2002, 96 p, which looks like being the main inspiration source
of the nicely done album we have all looked at.

[image: image.png] [image removed]


Dana Radler

On Sun, 5 May 2019 at 10:25, Edgar Hauster <> wrote:

> Dear Berti,
> Thank you for your kind appreciation, but, no - sorry for confusion - it
> was not my late father Julius Hauster, who created this amazing book. The
> author remains anonymous, however some sources from the Internet suggest
> the late Romanian journalist and writer Radu Anton Roman:
> No doubt about, this is an outstanding opus, both from the literary and
> photographic point of view, and, although I'm born and spent my childhood
> in Romania, it's by far beyond my Romanian laguage skills. With your
> message you are very much in line with some other members of our List, wh=
> commented in deep admiration too.
> Warmest wishes!
> Edgar Hauster

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