Re: [Cz-L] Book of the Month, April 2019: Bucharest Uncovered

From: Edgar Hauster <>
Date: Sun, 5 May 2019 07:22:58 +0000
To: Bruce Reisch <>, Berti Glaubach <>
Reply-To: Edgar Hauster <>

Dear Berti,

Thank you for your kind appreciation, but, no - sorry for confusion - it wa=
s not my late father Julius Hauster, who created this amazing book. The aut=
hor remains anonymous, however some sources from the Internet suggest the l=
ate Romanian journalist and writer Radu Anton Roman:

No doubt about, this is an outstanding opus, both from the literary and pho=
tographic point of view, and, although I'm born and spent my childhood in R=
omania, it's by far beyond my Romanian laguage skills. With your message yo=
u are very much in line with some other members of our List, who commented =
in deep admiration too.

Warmest wishes!

Edgar Hauster

From: <bounce-123586301-8322570_at_l=> on behalf of Berti Glaubach <>
Sent: Saturday, May 4, 2019 14:43
To: Bruce Reisch
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Book of the Month, April 2019: Bucharest Uncovered


Hello Edgar,
I was amazed at the richness of information in those pages. We have gone,
Stefi and me not only through the pictures but have studied the text too.
I was not surprised to find some unknown words used locally only, or even
forms of speech new to me. Rumanian was and is still only my second
one I can communicate orally and in writing like in German. But here is a
text so rich and diversified that even my better pard, nee in Bukarest had
something to learn,
or at least to make an effort to remember. And I am not sure how to
interpret the phrase your father uses at the end of the introduction:
  "Fanteziile ce urmeaz=C4=83 sunt o joac=C4=83. Ora=C8=99ul po=
vestit pe s=
=C4=83rite =C8=99i buimac
ba de mine, ba de cine cred eu c-au fost Ghi=C8=9B=C4=83 =C8=9A=
Titu Herdelea, Lache, Indolenta, elevul Dima, Vica =C8=9Biganca, Ric==
 fante de
Obor sau publicist... "
Are they all virtual or is there a hint to the origins of the photos or
some text?
As to the time when this was created, late 40th or the 50th?
I remain deeply impressed. Berti.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 5:19 AM Bruce Reisch <>

> Agreed - the Pictures are OUTSTANDING! I'm puzzled by the chapter with al=
> the bear pictures. Thank you for sharing this with us. Bruce
> ?On 4/26/19, 6:08, " on behalf
> of Edgar Hauster" < on behalf of
>> wrote:
> Czernowitzers...
> I just returned from a wonderful family reunion with relatives from
> France in Bucharest. It's true, in recent years, the city has been
> experiencing an economic and cultural boom, but this magnificently
> illustrated Book of the Month, April 2019, takes us back to the interbell=
> period and thus to the Golden Age of Bucharest:
> This is the view of Bucharest through the eyes of my late father
> Julius Hauster. As a survivor of the Holocaust, for him, like for many of
> your ancestors too, who returned from Transnistria and/or were
> "repatriated" by the Soviets from Bukovina, Bucharest was a starting poin=
> to freedom.
> In case you read Romanian enjoy the reading, but in any case please
> DON'T MISS THE OUTSTANDING PHOTOS! Any hint on the anonymous author of th=
> volume, which circulates for some time through the virtuality, is highly
> appreciated.
> Edgar Hauster

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