Dear Batia,
Welcome to the group! There are over 500 members, located around the world, and many in Israel, too.
My suggestion is to start with the "geneasearch" site, where you'll find your grandfather's birth listed in 1893 under the surname NIMHEISER. With the information you find, you can download this record for free from, via the online catalog listing of Jewish records from Czernowitz.
Also, for your great grandfather, Elias, you'll find him listed as Ilie NIMHAUSER on the geneasearch site, died 1932, age 71.
In addition, you'll find a photo of Elias' tombstone on the JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry:
Restrict your search for NIMHAUSER to Austrian Empire / Bucovina.
I hope this helps in your search for family information!
Best wishes,
Bruce Reisch
Geneva, New York
On 9/7/20, 8:55, " on behalf of Batia Nimhoyzer" < on behalf of> wrote:
Hello Group,
I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Batia Nimhoyzer (Nimhauser), I leave in Israel.
My father and his whole family (Father side) were born and lived in Czerno=
witz until the second world war when Czernowitz was already part of Romania=
My father and grand father was taken to a concentration camp-Transnistria a=
nd got out alive somehow.
My father Shlomo Nimhauser never talked about this period in his live so I =
don't know much and probably will never know, since he died 5 years ago.
I approached this group with a hope for knowledge or direction to a databa=
se that might have knowledge about my family. I have a picture of the house=
from my father's sisters who visited Czernowitz a few years back and a few=
Basically I am looking also for 2 documents:
1 Death certificate of my grand, grandfather Elias Nimhauser
2 Birth certificate of my grand father Moritz who was born on February 28th=
1893 in Czernowitz.
Any information will be much appreciated.
Thank you
Batia Nimhoyzer,
AfiFarm Technical Specialist.
Batia Nimhoyzer
Remote Technical Support
Tel: +972-4-6736477 | Cell: + 972-50-733-0976
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Received on 2020-09-07 13:13:51