Re: [Cz-L] Cernauti 1937 elections

From: Anny CHEMLA <>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 17:13:43 +0200
Reply-To: Anny CHEMLA <>


Dear Kfir,

What a wonderfull document, where did you find this ? liste number 8 is my
grand father, Dr Bernhard Strominger,
 unfortunately I dont read romanian, neither yiddish, if any one can
translate to me, I would be very happy.

Dear Haya,
My grand mother sister, Berta was married to Jacob Laufer, if its the same
one, they both died in transnistria, they had a daughter, Sidi, who came
and lived with my grand father and family in Czernowite after the war.
Is it the same person ?

All the best shavoua tov, Anny

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