Hi all,
I thought the list would want to hear what Zoya Danilovich said about the
state of things right now.
>From Zoya:
I am sure you follow the events in our country. I am speechless what they
are doing with us.
Now we do not have electricity for the whole day, what is expecting us in
winter without light and gas God knows...
It's very hard in all aspects. Two days ago 2 missiles were shot down abve
our region, and one to our regret destroyed a hydro-power station in 100 km
from Czernowitz, it stands on the Dniester river and our city gets water
from there. Temporaty we have no running water too.
Thanks God we are having a warm weather, unusually warm and we are so
grateful !
We are strong and we will overcome. We are planning to buy fire wood and
canned food just in case.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 6:51 AM Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
> Czernowitzers, dear friends...
> From Ruslan Zaparaniuk, Head of the Czernowitz Regional Military
> Administration, we learn: „In Czernowitz region, eight people were slightly
> injured and a critical energy infrastructure facility caught fire as a
> result of Russian missile strikes on the morning of October 31.“
> From Oxana Matiychuk, Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Literary
> History in Czernowitz,a good friend of mine and author of the "Ukrainian
> Diary", published by the renowned (German) „Süddeutsche Zeitung“, we learn
> about the consequences of such missile attacks and how it feels on ground.
> https://www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/ukrainisches-tagebuch-oxana-matiychuk-1.5685471
> Once again, we should keep up in our willingness to donate in favor of the
> brave people in Ukraine. On the account of Bukovina Help - as per
> 26.10.2022 - over 300,000.00 EUR/US$ have been received:
> https://www.ikgs.de/bukowinahilfe
> In a letter to the Nobel Prize winner for literature, Nelly Sachs, Paul
> Celan wrote on May 30, 1958:
> "[...] All the unanswerable questions in these dark days. This haunting,
> mute not-yet, this even more haunting, mute not-again and yet-again, and in
> between the unpredictable, already tomorrow, already today. [...]"
> Back then, in May 1958, it was about Algeria, today ..., well, you all
> know! I wish I could do more than appeal to your/our willingness to donate!
> Edgar Hauster [MacBook]
> P.S.: "The Regional Military Administration together with the State
> Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Czernowitz Region organized a joint
> training to eliminate the consequences of a nuclear strike [!!!].", we
> learn from Ruslan Zaparaniuk on last Tuesday.
> *******************************************************************************
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This moderated discussion group is for information exchange on the subject of
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Received on 2022-11-10 16:30:42