[czernowitz-l] News from Zoya

From: Ilana Gordon <ilana_at_wordwizardsinc.com_at_nowhere.org>
Date: Mon, 2 May 2022 06:31:04 -0400
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-To: Ilana Gordon <ilana_at_wordwizardsinc.com>

Hello All,

I wanted to pass on an email I just received from Zoya. Our family has been
trying to contact her knowing she could use help. Now we know why! Her
email was hosted by the Russians. See below.

this e—mail and, site are banned because .they,are Russian. My son managed
to open through VPN. My current,email is:.Welcome.zoya_at_ukr.net.
You can not,imagine whst,I am feeling,readipg,your letter! I am crying, I
am so touched by your concern, care,and desire to help!
Everything is terrible here. Who could,predict that all this madness could
happen ...
Millions of people left the country. I can not leave because they do not
let men aged 18—65 to crosd the border, they must stay in the country and
be,called to the,army. You understand,that,I can not leave my only son.
If you want to,help in this,harsh situation you can wire some funds by
Westen Union or MonehGram. You need my,detail: my last name is Danilovich ,
given name Zorema, patronymic Georgiivna, (father,s nane),so Danilovich
Zorema Georgiivna, my address: Ukraine, Chernivtsi city, Yunatska Street, 4
tel+ 38 0503747244.
Thank you so much for remembering me and desire.to help in extremely
difficult situation and your kind hearts
Ilana Gordon
Word Wizards, Inc
8609 2nd Avenue, Unit 406-B
Silver Spring, MD 20910
*v.*301-986-0808 *fax.*301-986-0809
*Direct: 240-380-2639*
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